Apparently not "just as easy" in a mass scenario, since none of these kids are dead.

No can do. Those sound like problems at your end. I am dealing with the problems at my end. Deduct points for gum in their mouth during presentations.

I think it's playing on both the subversion AND the reality of the industry...

I think the men's poster is supposed to be a subversion of the saying, "A woman's place is in the kitchen," not a purposeful reference to sexism among male chefs (though it's clearly tone deaf to that reality, which is another kind of problem).

I win at yoga all the time against my girlfriend...then again...it's probably not a competition to her and I'm just barging into these classes trying to feed my hungry male ego...

You are supposed to say something self effacing like "But i have much better taste in partners' than she does" and then we'd be like "OH YOU."

So Bill O Riley gives a fuck about us huh? Stop. Why isn't he asking questions about all the girls who look up to Marilyn Monroe? Not to bash her in anyway (especially from the sad things I read that happened to her) but shes one of the original icons and shes celebrated for her beauty and sexuality, by both black

Reminds me of, I think it was Louis CK, saying if someone made a racist/sexist/homophobic joke, you should act all confused and ask them to explain it and see if they were willing to stick to it.

Learning my real name was so important for guys when I worked as a stripper. I was creeped out by it at first, but eventually accepted that it was part of the game. They wanted to feel like they knew you better than the other guys you gave dances too, as though they were somehow more special. So I told any guy who

Gertie also has on a diaper!!!

Tell ya somethin' else, my 7 year old son has curly red hair, which he is growing out to a huge thick wavy shapeless 70s shag. He's very into his hair, which I find kind of hilarious and endearing.

It also means instead of rolling over in the middle of the night grabbing baby and inserting breast, you have to get and make a bottle, then grab baby and insert bottle.

I'm just gonna say that "domestic violence advocacy" reads very, very badly.

George Takei is a BAMF.

Her problems can perhaps be traced back to the age of 4, when she was molested by an uncle (the husband of her mother's sister) who was later convicted of sexual abuse of a minor and sentenced to 14 years in prison.

You may choose from two of the following: a peach tree, an alligator, the Blue Ridge Mountains, a cotton gin, a tobacco leaf, or a bottle with "XXX" on it.

When you love your country so much, you'd rip it apart for the legal right to oppress other citizens.

On a scale from light beige to slightly-darker beige, how much does this chart suck?

Why can't anyone make a decent map anymore? What a disgusting color pallet that is too hard to distinguish. Come on, get some cartographic skills!