This works every time for me. I run into loose dogs when I’m trying walking my dogs. The dogs will try to approach and my dogs threaten them, which escalates the situation to where I could be in the middle of a deadly match. But nothing has ever happened because I out-crazy the loose dog to the point that it finds my

She’s using metal shanks to stretch the shoes up to her size so they fit perfectly. You can always stretch up, but you can’t shrink down

I use this. The 20 oz version. I find it completely satisfactory. I leave the lid open just so the coffee will cool off enough for me to drink it and it is still hot for hours.

I use this. The 20 oz version. I find it completely satisfactory. I leave the lid open just so the coffee will cool

If you're scared, get out, get out as soon as you can. This is so sad.

It's a very silly show, BUT the great thing was the announcers, the whole crowd, everyone was rooting for her! They all root for everyone, I think it's amazing how everyone supports each other.

They were probably burning pictures of exes or some other silly ritualistic shit, probably got the idea from Friends.

Why did he get up? Wouldn't you stay and pet? I would.

They look happy and great, but my favorite is his hair.

One time I heard my cat screaming and growling from my room in the basement of my parents house. I feared the worst, that my parents' great dane sized freaky big doberman had gone into my room and was killing my cat.

I ran in there to find that she was standing between him and her food and he was backing up.

To this

Agreed! Being pregnant, having a child only cemented my pro-choice stance! For the exact reasons you described. Being pregnant sucks too bad/having a kid is such a life change-absolutely NO WAY a woman should be forced into either of those if she doesn't want to.

This bit was uncomfortable. I liked it. I thought it was brave to put such uncomfortable material on Update.

I think because they are more stressed they feel less pain, you know adrenaline/endorphins kicking in case they have to fight the man or something.

Me too. My dog has gone so far as to pull money out of my wallet that was in my purse.

All a person can do is read a job description, try to understand the company, and try to submit a resume that shows they are the person that can fill that need. There is no key.

I'm not really criticizing their advice, it is good advice. I just have a general level of disdain for the people that read resumes.

I agree with that.

My own resume is unconventionally styled, concise, and clean. I did it in InDesign. It still looks like a resume, but it is bold and rather high end looking. I don't think there is anything wrong with standing out, as long as it is for the right reasons.

And I get what they are saying here. They are

You can never know which "one way" is the right way for the crazy HR person you are submitting your resume to. It's a crap shoot.


Take this advice, which is fine advice, and get your resume thrown in the trash by some idiot HR person that thinks there is only one way to do resumes (which is not the way you did yours, of course).

Ugh. OK. Now I kind of like her. I always thought she seemed a bit snotty, but that is pretty cool.