You just opened up a serious can of worms, sylphides. There are three things that all Jezzies love: feminism, night cheese and Daria. Consequences will never be the same.

Just once I'd love to see a stand by your man press conference like this in which the woman gets up to speak and then is like, JUST KIDDING! My husband is a scumbag and I'm leaving him. I just got up here in front of these cameras and you nice people to let you know you should never, ever vote for this piece of

Actually I think men who badger their sex partners about their orgasms and make them feel pressured to have an orgasm in order to boost the men's egos are Ruining Everything, not women who are very often doing what they've gotta to do get by.

So Aaryn and GinaMarie don't know they've lost their jobs? hahahaha

Aaryn's parents misspelled "Aryan" wrong.

You tell 'em! It's WAY better for White America to continue not giving a shit like they have for hundreds of years!

I think it's great that people are protesting peacefully (for the most part, from what I've heard). But protests aren't going to lead to an overturning of the verdict or "justice" in this particular case. I hope at least some of the protesters are galvanizing those around them to participate in more tangible efforts

Nope, Beyonce is wearing something under all that glitter. Everything looks too rounded and lifted to be au naturale.

I guess I like these? Something feels a little off to me though, I can't quite put my finger it. I think it's something to do with them being a bit white knight-y. Like, good men are needed to save the poor helpless women from the bad men.

It's not that women "like" staying with an abusive partner hoping that he will change. Abuse (verbal or physical) in a long-term relationship has the cumulative effect of making the victim feel worthless. Women in these situations may say they are hoping their partners will change, but they also think they are

I love this a lot. I'm 16 and I just went natural. I love my hair a lot too!

I have 3 hens. I named them Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner for a reason.

I could not stomach Martha Stewart's WASP-y perfection until she went to jail, came out wearing a shawl that the other inmates had made her during her stay, and was all like "Appeal my conviction? Fuck that, I have an empire to rebuild! I've got shit to do!"

It was done to accommodate contemporary fashions. The trend isn't hourglass figures anymore, or the clothing that looks best on them. It's hip-huggers, miniskirts, etc.

No system is perfect. But you don't create quality care just by using money. Instead of swapping stories, compare: infant mortality rate in the Czech Republic vs the USA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_c…

As an attorney who chooses to work for a low-paying public interest organization, I resent the implication that a professional who chooses a low paying career is worse at her job than someone who pulls in 6 or 7 figures for the same work,

You really can't compare the medical system in Central and Eastern Europe to that of Western Europe, the UK or Canada. Yes, in places like Hungry where they have only had democracy for about 50 years the socialized medical system could be greatly improved, but in France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Finland, ect the


My son is kinda an asshole sometimes but its only because he's learned to be really sarcastic from me. He often tells me not to judge him, and one time when I asked him why he insists on throwing all of his blankets OFF his bed every night before he goes to bed, he replied "I don't know, that's just what I like to do.