INSANE episode even for this show. Martha yelling "Beg for it!" to Andy as she frat-paddled him was almost as shocking as her breaking 6 glass beer bottles over his head while the EMT sttod by in case Andy passed out (and it looked like he almost might a few times...).

Is it definite that the threesome was with a guy and a woman and not two guys?

You know underneath that prim and proper exterior she's licking V's and sucking P's all over the world. "It's a good thing."

*sigh* I guess I'm obligated by the laws of the Internet to ask: Was the lube butter?

Either I need more coffee or I missed when someone hit me over the head with a frying pan this morning, because my initial thought on looking at the first photo was, "Wow, SJP is a LOT taller than Matthew Broderick." Didn't even see him there, was looking at the son. Derp.

Because as a good parent you also get mind reading abilities....

Why the fuck is everything about Vietnam, Walter?

Big dogs FOREVER!!!!! :)

Aw, we have an English Mastiff. If he jumped on me like that, I would be seriously injured. He is the sweetest, and biggest, dog.

Beautiful Monica! She handled that debacle with more grace than I would have at her young age. The media ate her for lunch and everyone, fat and thin, weighed in on her weight. Shameful. I'm glad her time in that hateful limelight was relatively short-lived and I hope she is doing well.

I saw the pilot on Hulu last week before it aired and really liked it, so I was really hoping you guys would cover the premiere.

Yes, please tell me more about that false equivalence.


Yeah, you guys! GH has more kids that all the rest of us put together, and isn't concerned with petty things like "driving while sleep deprived is just as bad as driving with a heavy buzz on" or "being able to be functional in the workplace and keeping their job." It's WAY more important to let your child know that

It is not rare. It is TWICE as likely for a woman to become pregnant by rape as to conceive via consensual sex.

Noooooo! They need to keep talking about it. Continually. Constantly. They need to talk about rape, and abortion, and how women don't really need income equality, and a host of other anti-woman topics. And while they're at it, they should talk about more about how immigrants need to go back to where they belong, and

I think some commenters are missing the point. It's not about saying that "only by having sex can you rightly be considered adventurous", nor is it about celebrating or glorifying a virus that can cause cancer. It's about finding a way to not feel shame about having gotten an STD.

I had no idea who Blac China was but if this is Mandy's goal then I feel really bad for her. Plastic surgery and wigs can change a lot of things but ethnicity isn't one. All this for wheelchair Jimmy.

Can we talk about how this woman just stole his ice cream?! This is ho MRAs are created!!

I love how everyone is rambling on about how different Portia looks and no one bothered to mention Jason Bateman's face. (He is veering into some Rob Lowe in Behind the Candelabra territory) Or the fact that David Cross is about 50 lbs heavier or that it's been less than 10 years, but Steve Holt looks like he aged 25