Jordan Clifford

Riding my Honda CBR1100XX south on US 101 in Washington State, up near the northern border, early one Saturday morning; I had just finished racing a 911 (spanked him). No one else on the road. I was going the speed limit, 35 in a 35, on a beautiful stretch of road underneath the tree canopy, the Hood Canal on my left

Having had both a Miata (NC-1 GT, Bilsteins & LSD) and a Cayman (981.1 GTS) I’d still take the Cayman every time. I love Miatas, but the reality is there’s a crapton of money and development thrown into that strut-based suspension in the Porsche. It’s a better starting point for a track/auto-X toy.

When I saw uncorked and Australian in the same story, I assumed it was just a bottle of [yellow tail].

Zero, because you’d never get them up to temperature needed for them to be useful. Cold F1 brakes = basically no brakes.

“these brakes are expected to stop a car weighing over 1,500 pounds from speeds over 200 MPHS” **

I firmly believe that if the Cubs win the World Series, the city of Chicago will be absolutely destroyed. Everything will be smashed and burned. Everything.

Police were able to rule out Pastor Maldonado as no cars were found wrecked near the scene.

I hate myself for understanding this.

Somebody owes you a Swift kick in the ass for that one.

Hey Band-aids don’t fix divot holes

Wow, I hope there’s no Bad Blood between the players and management about this!

If only the guy with metal limbs was Cable instead of Colossus... I will pray for the success of this movie so the sequel will be Cable and Deadpool: On the Road Again.

Bruce starts working out as Alfred takes his turn to narrate, presumably talking to Bruce: “That’s how it starts... the fever, the rage, that turns good men cruel”.

If only they could use Pied Pipers middle-out compression it would be a breeze... =)

conceptual photo does not include concepts like gravity

Gronk really is having one hell of an offseason.

Goes to show two Wongs don't make a Wright.

What an unsavory, showboaty play. The Cardinals would have turned that double play the right way, throwing the ball across the diamond and involving as many teammates as possible, like gentlemen.