Jordan Clifford

I took three years of aeronautical engineering before I switched to physics as a major because in the mid-seventies aero engineering graduates were ending up as draftsmen at places like Cessna. Turns out it was a lot easier to get a job with a physics degree, although ironically I got a job as a systems engineer.

I hate the implied relation

Handmade item = Quality item

As an engineer I strive for perfection, combining theory with practical results. I know a lot of people that tend to keep doing the things they do just because they have always done it this way and it works. "Dont change it if it works" should be replaced by

Nice PR Move.. Tease everyone and get in the news 2 weeks from launch..

But do robot dogs dream of herding electric sheep?

My confusing Gronk-themed sexual awakening continues unabated.

Those of you using the free version.

Reminds me of the scene in Generation Kill when they shoot the "warning" smoke grenade and it bounces and catches the dude in the head/kills him.

How about they make a system that doesn't look like they are firing a 12ga at civilians, is camo required to operate these rounds too?

Mid-Engined Corvette: Confirmed

Is the 8-ball included in the price?

These pictures remind me of the 1953 X-3 Stiletto, a very cool looking aircraft. However, its performance was very disappointing so it was never pursued. I'd insert a picture, but Kinja's performance is also disappointing.

I like this one a lot:

America: The Movie

I was the only employee at our store that knew anything about the parts drawer, and it was like pulling teeth to get the parts we really needed. I always made sure we had extra stock of components in the back for the engineering majors over at Boise State. Stocking and selling arduinos, components, soldering irons,

Debate on proper plural form of shrimp incoming.

It's like punching somebody, but nice.

That's an offensive player!

Total protonic reversal. Don't cross the streams.

"some of the finer details seem to have been lost to the production process."

Now playing

I knew who posted this just from seeing the gif.

They were good cars, these 353s