Agreed! Welcome to Idaho! ski resort 30 minutes away from downtown: check
Agreed! Welcome to Idaho! ski resort 30 minutes away from downtown: check
My 1995 accord EX automatic with an f22b1 is clocking over 268,000 miles as of now, and the most i’ve managed to do is bust an engine mount and blow a rad return hose...
One time I was on a drive in my dad’s 996, and a girl yelled “I wanna fuck you in your car!” I drove off as quickly as possible. Promiscuity aside, she quite clearly has horrible taste.
An OTA ECU reflash? I wonder what kind of error detection they use for something that vital.
☐ Not rekt
Who let grandpa out of the old folks home and onto the internet again...
Glad you posted this so i didn’t have to.
WOW this guy is even bigger than I thought!
BRB withdrawing all my money.
I would buy this so hard.
Nibby what in the hell...
Driving 2 laps at Laguna Seca in a 911 C4S. I practiced quite a bit in Forza 5 so I wouldn’t take a wrong turn ;-)
Just most of you. I can’t wait for Texas to secede.
The speed limit when you can see 10+ miles was never 80 ;-) For the Porsche parade last year we drove from Boise to Monterey, we managed the return trip in ~11 hours (with a 2 hour stop in Tahoe for lunch with friends)
oof those spring rates look painful!
As someone who has suffered a pinched nerve, I gotta give him props for even remembering to call timeout instead of just ragdolling. The brachial plexus is complicated, and easily angered.
This makes me cringe. I wonder how much of that is a pre-existing learning disability (dyslexia) and how much is from the hard hits to the ol' noggin.