Jordan Clifford

If you could show this to The Waking Life animators (rotoscopers?) ten years ago they’d have lost their shit.

What’s Nico Rosberg doing out there?

Agreed! Welcome to Idaho! ski resort 30 minutes away from downtown: check

My 1995 accord EX automatic with an f22b1 is clocking over 268,000 miles as of now, and the most i’ve managed to do is bust an engine mount and blow a rad return hose...

One time I was on a drive in my dad’s 996, and a girl yelled “I wanna fuck you in your car!” I drove off as quickly as possible. Promiscuity aside, she quite clearly has horrible taste.

as a sixer’s fan that lives in phoenix (i know) this team is a fucking tire fire

Neat. I don’t know that I believe any bit of paraphernalia is worth that money, but I’m happy it exists and I can look at it.

If they heard an ear-splitting Windows shut down jingle, it was probably the software alright!

The twitterverse is reporting it was F35 testing over the Patuxent River in Maryland.

She “competes” in NASCAR almost as well as France does in a European land war.

  • Rohto Cool Redness Reliever eyedrops

Quality Assurance will write you a “Direct Safety Violation” or DSV, and you’ll be in front of the Maintenance Group Commander for a snowball. Ask me how I know.

ill preface this comment by saying i was born and raised in Massachusetts (spent 25 yeas in Boston and the South Shore.). This has to be the first time ever that the police have covered up for a black guy.

Wow, it’s like he just pushed the cyclic forwards instead of the collective! Helicopters are deadly beasts that require a lot of concentration and muscle memory

“...time at the dispensaries...”

>Buzz Killington will defend this

Anonymous is doing no such thing. All Anonymous has done is expose some Twitter accounts that potentially belong to people who potentially are part of ISIS, and there is debate about that. That isn't close to severing their ability to use the Internet.

And his beloved Falcons are losing to the Bucs today too. Rough.

This kind of picture just knocks me out. I grew up reading books and watching movies about fictional astronauts working on fictional space stations. Now I’m watching real astronauts working on real space stations, on my pocket computer. Yep, it’s The Future.