I can see it now. by banning it they've only made it more cool. Soon network television will capitalize on the underground popularity.
Stance of Anarchy, followed by Breaking Stance. Later, Stance Detective. only on HBYOLO
I can see it now. by banning it they've only made it more cool. Soon network television will capitalize on the underground popularity.
Stance of Anarchy, followed by Breaking Stance. Later, Stance Detective. only on HBYOLO
When stance is outlawed, only outlaws have stance. Dude, that's hardcore.
No, Joe...it doesn't need a wash. And PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK ON!
I never understand the mentality of some people. Its ok for furniture stores and electronic vendors to make 100% profit on the sale of an item. However dealerships get pounded and called rips offs because they are FIGHTING to keep 2-3% profit! Best Buy makes more money selling a $1,000 TV then Honda or Toyota make…
It's really pretty fucked up. I've sold a variety of products before, most of the other products I've sold have 100% markup. With cars there is hardly any markup but by god if we don't give it away at cost we're the bad guys. I sell a quality product (Toyota), a new Prius has 5% markup over cost. Now it would take…
Your offended position seems ot be based on the misguided notion that the sales process isn't customer hostile. Finding common ground and making a sale that is mutually beneficial is going to be about shutting that bullshit down. You use what tool you have.
I'm fine with that, but I just don't see how it benefits the consumer. I honestly don't understand why people are so excited to eliminate competition and pay a higher price. If you do your homework, competition among dealers has already done the negotiating for you. Don't go to the higher priced guy and beat him down,…
Only a Hyundai guy would think other people would think more highly of a Hyundai if it had a Toyota badge. The Toyota badge wouldn't help it. It's the Payless brand of cars.
No haggle is different than direct sales. No haggle doesn't work, would you rather haggle for your cell-phone or just pick the one you want, cross-shop and purchase the best deal?
This is a terrible article. As a salesperson, using the survey as leverage is low. The survey can cost us our jobs. We are already making close to nothing thanks to TrueCar, Edmunds and other sites. I don't think people understand how important a survey is. A salesperson can bust their ass to make $50 then you are…
I agree with you. Just re-phrased it because everyone shares your sediment, but I'm irked by the state of mind folks have before they even step foot in the store. It was nothing personal to you, Hungryjack. Re-reading it, I can see how it may be taken that way. I find it hard to put myself in that state of mind…
I would LOVE to follow up every single article like this with this fact- 90% of new car sales will earn the salesperson only $100 dollars.
What's sad is that you feel you're going to get ripped off before stepping foot in the store... A lot of dealerships are run by the same person or families for decades, these stores do not rip people off. But, everybody wants something for nothing and they know that a dealership is the last frontier for bartering.
So this whole article is on how to be the biggest jerk you can when trying to buy a car. Awesome. I hope that salesman comes into your work and tries buying something off of you and uses all of your threats to get you to back down on your price as well.
The cars with the serious recalls are Cobalts and G5's... They never had a respectable resale value and nothing about either car ever screamed "safety" or "success".
"Gawker clickbait" is a tired, worn-out argument. Do better. This is news and I would have reported the same if I worked at Bloomberg, Reuters, the Wall Street Journal or anywhere else.
Maybe it was even intentional. Put on your foil hats guys, it's conspiracy theory time!
Hey leave that Lesbian alone! She clearly loves her car!
This is a story of hubris, determination, emissions, an Impala, and, of course, the amazing Soichiro Honda. It's a…
It's funny, but other than he transmission, I didn't hate this car at all. It's strangely fun to drive.