I love “In the Pale Moonlight” also, my Netflix probably thinks that is the only episode of DS9 there is. I love Avery Brooks in general but the performance in this episode is phenomenal. There is a reason my son’s name is Benjamin.

I need somewhere to put some of my thoughts on The Last Jedi and this place is as good as any. I loved the movie first off, I have only seen it once but I really enjoyed it and have been a little surprised at the hate that has come out, but that is beside the point. The thing that has stuck with me and picked at my

The first Star Wars thing I ever saw was Caravan of Courage: The Ewok Adventure! I was 9 or 10 and we didn’t have cable and only got like 2 channels from an antenna because we lived in the mountains, (this was mid 90's BTW). We had a lot of VHS tapes and a cousin who would tape things on TV and bring them for us to

This is the reason I stopped watching Grimm. I loved that show but when Rosalee essentially tells Nick that he needs to man up and take care of Adalind and the baby because that is what men do it just ran all over me. For those that don’t know the show a little back ground. Adalind used magic to disguise herself as

The whole DS9 and Benjamin Sisco’s creation always messed with my head, and he was and still is my fav Star Trek character. Just imagine waking up next to man who says he is your husband and a little baby you had no agency in making. Then when you think about the details it gets creeper.

I remember when the first one came out I was working at a movie rental place (which no longer exists BTW) and we would decorate and go all out for the big movie releases, Harry Potter, Twilight usually when there was a midnight release happening. My boss was older and not in the young adult genre, so she asked me what

My son is 6 and he has 3 different poop emoji pillows that he loves, and any time he sees an emoji toy or something related he wants it more then anything. I am preparing for the onslaught of even more stuff in the stores that he believes that he can’t live without. I will go see this, for him and because Patrick

I know I was in middle school I believe 7th grade because I remember thinking I was only a year older then Harry and the gang when it started but I was 5 years older then them when the last book came out. I picked the first one up from the library which wasn’t unusual for me I was a very introverted kid and spent 95%

I am going to be roasted alive for this but I will finally say it... I Love Battlefield Earth, or at least have a soft spot in my heart for it.

I am glad I am not the only one who was wondering why the author of this article took the time to review a nine year old book she didn’t like?!? I am use to the Twilight hate and the general Meyer hate that people seem to have to some reason but maybe this is a little much. I enjoyed the book it was an interesting

Thank you for that I need to go monogram that on a pillow now so I will never forget!

I have a weird love/hate relationship with TBBT. My Husband LOVES the show so we watch it a lot and yes I find myself laughing at the jokes, because they are funny and stupid fun. But if I start thinking to hard about it I start to get mad. They do have women who are strong scientists but not nerds and it seems like

First thing, Tracy Moore did we grow up in the same town because you described my home town to a T. I am currently raising my son in the same town and the prevalence of small town Christianity is everywhere. We sang actual hymns in my high school choir just as one example. I don’t thing anyone who wasn’t raised in

This is horrible and there are some bad thoughts going around in my head right now, but the devils advocate part of my brain keeps bringing up an interesting point. Why is he assuming that the men would always vote to not have the abortion? I know that the very idea of women getting pregnant outside of heterosexual

The last few seasons of True Blood was a slog for me but I did want to see how it ended. It’s not a genre show but I would say I am currently hate watching Grey’s Anatomy I have been watching that *bleeping* show for over a decade now and I feel like stopping now is giving up, so I grit my teeth and plow through. I do

But did Rose’s side really win? The Diamonds decided that continuing to fight for Earth wasn’t worth it, it is conjecture but they had lost a lot already (*cough* Pink Diamond *cough*), and they might have won in the end but would have lost a lot more by the end. They had a nuclear option that they decided to use

It is the play so it does read different, but still a good read, especially if you love Harry Potter.

The angst-y 13 year old in me is jumping for joy at another Lastativerse :) book. The cynical 31 year old agrees with your WHAT THE FUCK!?! So funny I actually LOLed which is very rare, Bravo! I will read this because how can you not?

On another site the head guy over at CW said something about wanting to have year long original programing, like how they are holding off on the Reign’s second half of this season till April. If there is nothing else new on more people are likely to watch. It is looking like a cable model where not everything follows

I have actually been re-reading them lately, my aunt unearthed my entire series that was in storage and they really do hold up. Yes they are very YA and a little repetitive (they all open the same with the “My name is Jake but I can’t tell you my last name because of aliens...”). At 30 I have enjoyed them as much as I