“I have some quibbles with Rowling’s world building—how does magic work, exactly?”

That’s your favorite episode? You may need to seek professional help :)

God, I was so relieved when her parentage was revealed in Jedi. I was dreading the whole lead-up to the inevitable reveal, because any possible narrative tying her into the original trilogy would feel so contrived and watery. Both the reveal and Kylo’s casually cruel delivery of it was one of the most satisfying parts

Best Star Trek *period*

Actually, that’s not what it means. I’m a survivor of domestic abuse and from the very beginning I have NOT believed Amber Heard, and I’ll tell you why:

Obviously a Decepticon...


Oh, they have seen other Trek stuff.

I liked it too. And I liked the movie!

I just don’t know why this one is being reviewed now. I’m in the minority of people around here who liked it, which we figured out nine years ago.

I liked it.

Scientology is super extremely not for me, but a quip (I forget whose) comes to mind on the difference between whackadoodle cults and mainstream religions: “In a cult, there’s one guy at the top who knows it’s all bullshit. In a religion, that guy is dead.”

Plane crash is even money with natural cases for the cause of his demise

“Fathered her on Willie Scott”? I mean, yeah, I suppose that’s physically feasible (although he could have been under her—or even behind her), but I can’t say I’ve ever heard it phrased quite like that before...

Definitely adorable, but it’s actually a clever editing of at least two episodes. “Galaxy’s Child” (s04e16) forms the basis for most of it, but there are bits of “Silicon Avatar” (S05e04) mixed in, evident by the presence of Dr. Kila Marr (present with Data at the rear of the bridge).

If someone came at my labia (majora or minora) with a glue gun, I’d kick him in the nuts.

Beyonce’s having twins?!? Has anyone made a “Not the first time she’s totally carried two other people” joke yet?

I’m allowed to be bitter. But fuck you too while im at it.

Oh God. Does that mean that Cameron’s children are going to hook up with Michael Bay and make a whole bunch of Prequels, Sequels and Sidequels that make no fucking sense as well?

Oh yeah because the majority of people being threatened in rural America comes from Japanese Shinto thugs.