I don't thing that Pam and Tara's relationship will switch completely over to just lovey dove-y. Eric and Nora have this weird brother/sister dynamic but they occasionally sleep together. This show likes to put things up that make you uncomfortable Eric and Nora are not actually related but they call each other

About 5 minutes in to the first new episode of Doctor Who "Rose". When his arm comes around takes Rose's and the look on his face just told me that I needed to know more about this character!

She is suppose to be the woman who asked for the head of John the baptist who was alive at the same time as Jesus, he is the one who baptized Jesus. This would make her around 2000 years old so she would be weaker then Russell but stronger then Eric who is only around 1000. I also think that something like

Horrible...just horrible my childhood feel like it has been touched in a bad place.