
“I need to relax, so I’ll turn japan’s signature kaiju into a lovecraftian horror story”.

Oh, goody.  Someone made Fortnite worse.

Anno had a second bout of depression during the Rebuild series, which is why the fourth film was delayed for so long. 

Euthanize this game. Give the body to the modders––they’ll know what to do.

1. I hope this guy isn’t just playing cool because he’s secretly a scumbag because I’d love him to pull a Bullworth and run for office. 2. Where the hell in Iowa of all places does one even find Tupac cookies?

Trying to shame her for these things is ludicrous.

Is this a Fight Club story where...

Well, at least we know there are still 2 people playing Fallout 76...

People do this in Apex and I sit wondering what in the world were they thinking. Then they die in seconds and immediately disconnect. It's such a waste of a teammates space 

Ethan, are you just not a team player or not used to team based games? Everything Bill did (and you too, with the stimpak toss) was part n parcel of a team game. I experience these interactions every few games in Apex Legends. It totally makes the game more fun when two or three strangers bond (even without mics) and

Remember when Republican supporters were screaming about “KING OBAMA” at every turn?

Pepperidge Farm has been drinking to forget.

the graphics are so terrible i can’t even tell what’s going on in the screenshots 

Yes, but Obama would have been doing it while being black.

“Article II allows me to do whatever I want.”

> I have a penchant for switching my drop location at the last second, landing on the map hundreds of meters away from my teammates. 

Are people really that dense that they couldn’t guess it was a marketing thing? I mean they sit on twitter long enough to spot the hashtag, they should know how it works by now.


i’m sorry tim, i love your videos but after clicking the volume thing 4 times to mute the ad only to be brought to the ad site 4 times i’m officially not watching this.

Edit: I proved my love and watched it anyway.

So its not...even the Grim Reaper needs a hug ?