
He may not be a porn star wrestler like Camacho but he has banged a few.

Yeah, I was gonna try to start back working out and eating right today but after reading that shit I’m just gonna say fuck it and get drunk like every other day since he got “elected”. Might as well meet the apocalypse with my glass bottoms up.

Username checks out!

Best advice ever.

“She should eat more, that she shouldn’t be such a skin-and-bones and waste away to nothing! Oy, go on, Liz dolly, eat, eat. Have two, they’re small.”

I am old enough to remember Mr. Ed.  Also, I would be interested in him for President.

I’m so happy my ass is old enough to truly bask in the glory of this reference.  Nice palate cleanser after that twitter torture!

I’m still laughing about him fucking up 4th grade arithmetic in the same sentence he calls himself “smart” and “a true stable genius”. It’s just too perfect. And I’m only laughing to keep from crying from the travesty of it all.

And in this case, "acting like a horse's ass" isn't an insult

Mr. Ed had a better Wilbur, too.


Math is hard! Let's go snort Adderall and ignore the Supreme Court!

Actual good looking, smart stable genius:

I respect this womans hustle. She is click bait incarnate and she is making bank of it now.

As someone who constantly got barfy from playing the N64 games-

I’m pretty sure that both of those websites could disappear off of the internet right now without any real impact to animated porn’s future. 

Soooo, basically the standard “F2P” model?

The vernacular is established, and will remain until people no longer find it useful.  You’re fighting this fight about 15 years too late.

it is something that is really pissing me off. as a fan of medieval settings, it seems to be the new funhouse for dickheads to do their anti-muslim thing. it does seem to be strikingly European. there are certainly American dickheads in it too, but it seems like its largely European “no Muslim immigrants, no refugee,

How much should we offer KJU to keep him?