
That depends on what you define “lately” as. Does a decade-long slide in writing quality count as lately? I don’t think I’ve heard anyone talk positively about Penny Arcade (the comic strip,) or its authors since the Dickwolves incident in 2010.

It’s been declining for a while now. They occasionally have a good one

Has PA always been a rough read or is it just cratering in quality lately?

Whoa... you’re telling me that a platinum selling celebrity, who can afford professional make up artists, designers, and photographers, took a good instagram pic of them dressed up in cosplay?!?!?!?!

Also SF 3, Gill.

You just called out Street Fighter 3 Alpha Bison. Holy shit he was a complete monster of a final boss.

Yeah, the charge moves were always the biggest tell. I can grudgingly accept that the AI can pull off four perfect inputs in four frames, but Guile pulling a flash kick out of a forward walk or Blanka launching directly into a roll from a forward walk was always clear evidence that they weren’t playing by the same

In other news: The justice system is working as intended

For Overwatch, I think that’s covered by new characters and stages, plus the six or so events every year. That keeps people coming back even without the constant meta-focused tweaks.

Obligatory #FuckKonami

Actually, thank you. You just identified something wrong with media lately. That’s a solid list of everything I’ve been disappointed with in the last few decades. I’ve literally NEVER seen anything good from J.J. Abrams. He is poison, and with this blasted worship other people might have made these properties without

It really just shows that people do not like how WoW has changed over the years. If they revert a lot of the changes that have happened and bring back things classic had to the retail version, I would think that they would see an improvement in subs.

Much like the Highlander sequels...

We don’t talk about Enterprise.

Having the wrong people laugh at his comedy for the wrong reasons is a perpetual problem for Chappelle, but this time the blame is on him.

They discontinued my beloved Mexi-melt. Bastards.

the Fiery Doritos Tacos Loco, Double Decker Taco, Beefy Mini Quesadilla, chips and salsa, Chipotle Chicken Loaded Griller, Double Tostada, Power Menu Burrito, and XXL Grilled Stuft Burrito.

Spending hours on this raid and getting some lame-ass drill sounds almost as bad as spending $60 and getting Fallout 76.