
Oh, the Gravitron was my favorite at the fair every year when I was a teen. I can still ride those kinds of rides, even at 48, but the double spinny rides like Tilt-A-Whirl and Spider are a no go for me. As are the back and forth rides like the viking ship that everyone sits facing the middle and it swings up and

I’m less concerned about those that abandoned their carts, and more concerned about the sanity of people who DIDN’T. The cheap bedsheets will still be there tomorrow, Linda. 

And every time I ride it, at the end, I think, “This did not last long enough.” I love that ride.

damn hard to believe someone who voted for trump isn't bright enough to discern extremely obvious sarcasm 

You believe that the author actually considers this “cool”? Did you read the text of the article? Do you have any comprehension of tone at all?

If you’re a conservative, not rich, and voted Dump, you’re a fool. Seriously. He’s not for you. He doesn’t care about you. In fact he doesn’t give a rat’s rear about you. All he cares about is how much you’ll cheer for him at his creepy wannabe-Nuremberg rallies. That’s it.

16 is very much still an age where you’re a kid, my man. ESPECIALLY if you’re a child actor; these kids give up a huge amount of what we go through “growing up,” to be famous—I know, I know; boo fucking hoo—but when you live in a bubble like that you simply don’t get to experience a lot of the hard knocks that normal

Teenagers are just the larger and slightly older category of children, you doofus. It’s the adults’ job to stop things like this, because teenagers are full of childish bad ideas.

You should play Into The Breach. Turn based mech strategy where you see everything your opponent will do the next turn. The strategy comes from using your limited resources to do ANYTHING about it, because there are inevitably far more things to deal with than you have mechs. It was one of the most acclaimed games of

Yeah I don't blame him, there's a lot of adults who are who are actually making this and he's just a host. Normally I'd lay blame on the host a bit too, but not a kid. 

That looks like Sagat’s Tiger Uppercut. Yes, it’s a technical detail. :P

Where’s the Kickstarter for Key and Peele to reenact the scene of Crennel having to tell Winslow to maybe stop jerking it in front of everyone so much? I’ll pay double if the roommate who reports him is Ozamatazz Buckshank or Donkey Teeth.

That’s one of the reasons why I don’t see transgender politics as an issue in Cyberpunk 2077. It fits with the people in this setting, and it’s normal.

I appreciate your candor and putting it into a professional context, because we (I?) often don’t remember that journalism is a job. There are days you write stories that surprise, illuminate, or give a new perspective... and there are days you just report on whats going on and log off on time.

The part that seems

Thank you for this! I feel like 90% of the commenters, myself included, haven’t seen it and are just having a reflexive “stop using rape as a plot device, Game of Thrones!” reaction. I would make the case for more of the type of depictions you’re describing (brutal and horrid as they may be) and a lot less of the

Thank you for providing that. I lived in Australia for some time and it’s a reality that there’s very, very little recognition of the horrors that the indigenous people dealt with. Many of them still live in conditions that are simply shocking.  There’s a major difference between gratuitous or commercialized violence

The Guardian framed this story differently:

This story was not done right, where are you getting this shit? How they keep thinking they can do a Dark Phoenix heel turn without even properly building her up as Phoenix says all it really needs to. Can’t wait to see what Marvel can do with this property, as they know that these arcs take time and care to be

It’s hard to find someone who peddles dangerous quack remedies to desperate people as “cute”, no matter how much they smile.