But...but muh laissez faire!?
But...but muh laissez faire!?
It’s not that, I don’t mind having all my games centralized on one platform, but just the fact that they have no quality control and they literally open the flood gates on their platform, and (I guess technically not their fault) of recent event around the bitcoin miner game that someone made. I’m sure they had good…
How much I use to love Valve, until they fix Steam I don’t think I can spend another dollar on their platform.
Sounds great, anything sounds better than steam’s policy right now though..
The things D3 does well, it does very well. But the things it does poorly man are they frustrating. I would kill for POE with the smooth play of D3.
ph’nglui mglw’nafh Mario R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
That’s mega terrible!
Captain N has been there all along.
Finally! I’ve always gauged the completeness of Smash by whether I could play every character from Captain N: The Game Master. If we allow Peach to stand in for Princess Lana (due to the pink, obvs) then all we’re missing is a giant, floating Game Boy and Captain N himself. What do we think are the odds on that one?
Having only played the first 20-30 minutes, I can attest that yes, this is a spoiler. I certainly never caught on to this fact in my time with the game. Shame on them.
so long and thank for all,
I concur, but it’s a great line lol
Also, they already have the login system created because of ESO / ES Legends / Quake, so there's no reason not to use it.
All together, now:
People still give a shit about this game?
ugh, will someone PLEASE put this pile of sh*t out of its misery and release the code for the ORIGINAL BF2? Good God.......
“I just want to point something out: If you follow the rules, ‘ness’ implies that the SNES is pronounced ‘sness,’ 3DS is pronounced ‘three deess,’ and N64 is ‘nuh-sixty-four.’”
No, it’s an acronym. If it were a mundane word, it would’ve lost its capitals. “radar” and “scuba” are examples of “real word” acronyms.