
You’re right.... it's almost like it's a world... of warcraft.

Now I want a Jaina raid boss right before the big Sylvanas fight.

Sylvanas did nothing wrong. Change my mind.

Unbelievable. Shoulder pads are like 90% of Warcraft.

Nope. The internet was cheaper back then. A home computer with a modem (2400 baud! Woooo!) and a phone line was all it took. As long as you were connecting to a local number (instead of a ZUM number, those calls got fucking expensive, fucking fast) the connection was a free call. Just connect a local BBS or an ISP and

Nope. Lower middle class. The internet was cheaper back then. A home computer with a modem (2400 baud! Woooo!) and a phone line was all it took. As long as you were connecting to a local number (instead of a ZUM number, those calls got fucking expensive, fucking fast) the connection was a free call. Just call up a

So it’s a TCG with absolutely no deckbuilding and absolutely no secondary market? Yeah this is totally not a complete waste of time, money, and cardboard.

Seriously, has she ever done anything good? In the last expansion, she bargained with the ruler of Hel and tried to enslave the valkyr goddess so she could live forever and make tons more zombie people. In Cata, she actively raising dead, and producing and used the “plague” or whatever, which she explicitly told the

Seriously. The Forsaken as a whole are evil, and always have been. The rest of the Horde is tainted by association. 

Sylvanas has always been evil. She was a cruel border commander back in WC3 that basically sacrificed everything for her own pride, and then suffered resurrection as a banshee (back in WC3, before ‘she has to be hot’ model) because Arthas wanted to be a particular dickish asshole in response to her particularly

Shes seriously always been evil, people who think that this is a heel turn have to ignore everything shes done in the last 14 years. 

The way I look at it, it’s better to have them take a small amount more every month that I would probably piss away on something I didn’t need, and give it back to me in one lump sum, which I can then use for a large purchase, like a couch, or a vacation. It’s easier than counting on myself having the willpower to put

Yeah, with interest that $500 could have been $510

Per our president, my understanding was that not paying my federal income taxes would indicate I was “smart”. I assume that’s an option, yes?

Girl. What y’all don’t think about is that I’m livin’ through this too.

Look I'm doing my best

You mean aside from the meddling in foreign elections, funding the NRA, murdering journalists, polluting the internet with bots, invading Crimea, shooting down passenger airlines, anti-Semitism, homophobia, corrupt Athletic administration, destabilizing their neighbours and funding of murderous dictatorships?

We’re all just watching everything bounce past us