
I tried playing the game again but I just didn’t care anymore. I did a couple of Mythics in Legion with Gerbil before I found out it was Mike Fayhee but he was looking for a different guild because there was just something lacking in the guild we were in.

“if an asteroid apocalypse is what it takes for me to be able to rock my short shorts and not be called a fag, I am all for it.”

“Instead, I enjoy just how colorful and fashion-focused the world of Rage 2 is compared to other games set in virtual wastelands. Fallout games, for example, rarely have NPCs dressed as colorfully as Rage 2's locals.”

I started playing WoW at the tail end of vanilla and I was leveling a mage. It was brutal and I love the time I spent in Vanilla the same way I loved getting hit by a two ton truck, it makes a good story but hell if I’d ever want to do it again.

Give it a few wees to fester.

“Your youtuber guy shouldn’t have been so hyped for this lol. It’s like getting mad”

Nobody got hype and nobody got mad. That is context you are adding. In fact they and I expected the game to be a wet fart.

“Because by all accounts Rage 2 isn’t? “

That’s actually worse than being bad.

Now playing

But it does seem to suffer from the exact same problem as the fist in that it’s exceedingly mediocre.

All three of those games were unmitigated train wrecks.

I am harsh on Andromeda

The game is reviewing poorly I just watched a SidAlpha video about the Epic sale disaster and he mentions Rage 2 in the same breath as Fallout 76, Anthem and Mass Effect: Andromeda. I don’t need to wait for his review to know how displeased he is with the game.

I currently refuse to use the Epic store because of their strong-arming tactics so I didn’t look into it too careful before voicing my opinion. It’s good they thought to reimburse their customers but I still don’t care for the way they do business which is a shame because I believe Steam needs good competition but


I’m of the mind that if they are going to offer discounts on pre-orders then they had better at least give a refund in store credit to every single person who has already pre-ordered the game.

Screw Game of Thrones.

Grab any 2 liter bottle of soda... now try to drink it without opening the bottle.

“I get the sense that I don’t need to have played the original Rage to be able to jump right into this one?”

Now playing

It’s to be expected because Detective Conan is a legit juggernaut in Japan.