“ their track record is horribly mediocre.”
That really does make them the perfect devs to make a sequel to Rage since I believe the original game’s review was “horribly mediocre”.
“ their track record is horribly mediocre.”
That really does make them the perfect devs to make a sequel to Rage since I believe the original game’s review was “horribly mediocre”.
“ It doesn’t really matter if they fix the character design. It’s still another cartoon/CG character in real life movie.”
“Nah, that’s a rubbish comparison, and damages your entire argument severely. There’s zero evidence that vaccines cause autism, but lots of sugar and shit tons of caffiene and taurine most certainly do cause a number of conditions, not least obesity, diabetes and hypertension, no question.”
And now you see the true nature of their plan!
Given that the people in power pushing for this legislation have repeatedly been tied to prostitution I don’t think a “sex strike” would even be a particularly effective method of protest.
“Sorry to rain on your parade, but she’s BRITISH so literally all she had to do was go to the doctor. It’s really not hard, but even when it’s free some people are very difficult about doing it (just not many people).”
“After she passed out one day, it was discovered that the woman had a second-degree heart blockage, in addition to kidney stones and pre-Type 2 diabetes, due to her sugar consumption.”
“Everyone just HAS to search everything with a fine tooth comb to find something to complain about.”
“ What’s bullshit, is you sitting here suggesting they’re doing anything wrong- they aren’t.”
While caps are non-premium currency I would not put it past Bethesda to sell premium items that help players farm caps faster.
Thank you, but it is in part out of selfishness that I fund-raise.
Counterpoint: Screw Notch
That’s exactly why I picked him. Another great actor/director to pull in would be Alex Winters because people think of him as his character “Bill” but he’s really a great director who heavily influenced early MTv and has made a great documentary about the early days of the internet and file sharing because he was part…
It’s really a great song that’s immediately relatable to anyone who’s ever been hooked by an RPG and this was a perfect opportunity to link it. I have a collection of good gaming-related songs in one of my playlists.
“Littlewood is a game about rebuilding your town after you helped save the world.”
Someone really missed the boat on this one.
I’m with you, she’s totally unqualified in any capacity to be a voice actress and I was expecting an article about how she ruins the story praised by Mike Fayhe at this very site.