
If you’re going along on any road and someone pulls out right in front of you going much slower, the fault is NOT yours for rear ending them.

Camilla is the perfect Challenge contestant: prone to wild shit-talking when she’s doing well, outbursts when she’s doing poorly, and loves inserting herself into any and all drama so she can mix it up with people. Long live Camilla.

You have to admit, shit like this is why The Challenge is occasionally really fun to watch.

The trade-off comes from the difference in compensation between voluntary and involuntary compensation. After $800 it becomes increasingly likely that these amounts are similar and you’d be trading off cash for a slightly better (in general) customer reaction. This case was extreme example and i’m sure United would

Who are three people whove never been in my kitchen?- Cliff Clavin

The problem is, Bill Simmons isn’t funny, but he thinks he’s exceedingly funny.

Actually, in college I was a repair tech. I even had Apple certification back when there were only a dozen Apple stores out there. It’s been a while since I built a system from scratch (though I had to do some troubleshooting with my husband’s gaming rig. The RAM timings cause some POST issues. It sorted quickly), but

Uh, generally an elseworlds story is something printed under the Elseworlds banner, the old Elseworlds imprint, or something specifically called out as not being canon. Gaimain’s story doesn’t fit with what comes around it, but was a very intentional part of the Batman RIP and Final Crisis stories. It’s not literal,

That wasn’t an Elseworlds story. It was printed in Batman and Detective Comics.

Uh. They’re white men of a certain age. You owe it to them to listen to everything they say, and never question it - it’s called FREEDOM OF SPEECH, you fucking cuck.

Yeah, that’s the thought I had too. I disagree with Dave and don’t understand his position or justification on any of this, but if it’s what he wants to do with his set, it’s his call. At the same time, though, if I’m in the audience and I want my money back as the author suggested, that’s cool too. Words have

Let’s note the very different takes from Jezebel on two very similar events here. Amy Schumer mocks Trump at a show and gets positive coverage; Dave Chapelle mocks Hillary at a show and gets negative coverage.

Hearing Wrigley sing is fucking great

Cubs had a runner on third THREE times late in the game. But nothing. Baez has been awful at the plate once everyone fell in love to him. Back to the swinging swildly for the fences at every pitch. Basically starts every at bat 0-2 now. I love Kris Bryant but he swings at the same fucking pitch to strike out every

THEY ARE NOT REOPENING THE INVESTIGATION! Stop with these misleading headlines and read Comey’s actual letter, a portion of which you posted here.

His and Ennis’ run on Punisher under the MAX imprint was, for me, hands down the best interpretation of and story surrounding that character ever.

Yeah, as others have said, lots of facts wrong here. First and foremost, there were two outs in the inning which negated the need for anything other than a force out, pop up, etc.

Coconut crab, not just a tasty sounding dish. Can weight 9lbs and be 3 feet across. Mostly eat plant matter but will eat meat when they can find it.

Exactly. I recommend Healthy Paws. $33 a month and my claims were handled quickly and easily. I paid the vet and then got my reimbursement check a few weeks later.

It really depends on the specific circumstances. It is such a YMMV situation.