
Thank god he’s gone. Now maybe the Cubs can finally put together a string of winning seasons and win the World Series.

I guess it’s a good thing you two aren’t dating.

I guarantee he has no problem giving gender pronouns to inanimate objects but when it’s an actual person making the request and the smallest gesture would make the student feel comfortable it’s all of the sudden a big deal for this teacher.

It’s a Shudder exclusive right now I believe.

Because I subscribe to more podcasts than I can listen to at regular speed on my commute.

I think this won’t happen for one reason. Soon after the seat is called for Sinema Jon Kyle will step down and Gov. Doug will appoint McSally to the seat for the next two years. GOP will still have the Senate and the requisite nut job from AZ.

Have you seen SNL before? It’s never been high-brow. Funny or not they’ve joked about fat people, ADHD, black people, alcoholics.... the list goes on and on. They should stick to the policy of not apologizing to people they offend.

She’s trying to take us to socialism. You can’t do that here.”

Weird. GOP activists doing EXACTLY what they claim (with no proof) that Dem operatives are doing. It’s almost like the only reason they’re so convinced the Dems are making shit up is because that’s the only way they themselves know how to operate.

Android fanboys still complaining about what apple users do while apple users don’t think about them at all.

The Minnesota Supreme Court, among others, disagrees with you.

Inhibiting law enforcement and creating a secure phone are not the same thing.

Okay. Then I would simply say I wasn’t involved and know of no crime. No crime, no access.

But subjective favoring is a major reason people prefer iOS to Android or vise versa. Why discount that?

Hard disagree about his base. They’re clearly aware of the connotations and context associated with his use of “nationalism.” He was already one step away from embracing white nationalists with “there are good people on both sides.”

How about “non-discriminatory sniper rifle?” Was the Vegas shooter using a “sinper rifle?” Maybe not, but he sure as fuck did more damage than he could have taking people down one by one. The arguments over semantics are fucking bullshit at this point and you know it.

Holding him to his own standard. He claims this isn’t the GOP as he knows it, that it’s not his Republican party, that he’s embarrassed, etc...but he voted yes on skinny repeal, the tax cuts and Kavanaugh. That’s a lot of support for someone who claims it’s not his party anymore.

This is the work of a con-man on full display. Tell them what they want to hear only to reneg completely when they’re gone. Trump will 100% bring up his support for enhanced stop and frisk sometime in the near future.

If Laurie Strode shot the Candyman instead of Michael Myers we wouldn’t even be having this discussion.

Calm down, snowflake.