
You not having heard of him says more about your taste than it does about his talents.

My worry is that it’s not over. They’re already campaigning on “If it can happen to him, it can happen to YOU!” The GOP will keep their base of angry white men whipped up which is exactly why we can’t afford to be complacent.

If that’s all you’re looking for you can always just read the spec sheet.

Jameis better be careful around Corrente, he’s been know to have problems with lyfting and driving as well.

He’s unfit to sit on the SC whether this is true or not. That’s what most of us on the “other side of the political spectrum” actually think. GOP is going to get a hard-right justice either way, so it seems odd that they’re so intent on pushing for the one candidate with legal opinions that protect Trump at all costs.

So now it’s “not about legal, it’s about hypocrisy?” You’re going to have a hard time defending any current member of the GOP if that’s your new standard.

There’s plenty of opportunity to play as nimble dancer Spidey. Sure, fixing the surveillance towers is odd, but I don’t see the rest of it as too much of a stretch or out of character. You spend your time breaking up a criminal enterprise, fighting super-villains and stopping local neighborhood crimes, all with great

Here’s the version of your story that would actually make it comparable:

I guess it’s a good thing her face won’t be static for the entire film.*

Fucking social justice. Why would anyone support such a terrible thing?

It’s already started. There was a Breitbart piece yesterday about how it’s time for a new discussion on the use of the n-word. They’re proactively trying to make it no big deal.

I understand your sentiment but have you seen footage from his rallies? That won’t change just becasue the media stops covering him, in fact it would probably get worse, he’ll have his ego stroked by his base whether the media covers it or not. I’d prefer to know just what the fuck he’s doing and suffer as few

This is absolutely disgusting and these officers should be in jail for murder, but cops don’t have to show you an arrest warrant.

Right, but they decided to make the mouth move to give Venom the appearance of actually “talking.” At that point, if it doesn’t line up it’s going to be a distraction. It definitely could talk as ooze or telepathy in Brock’s mind, they chose not to do that and it looks off, to say the least.

Newcomb should definitely be ashamed of these tweets, and if he’s not he should be made to feel shame, but not through losing his job or anything that drastic. If we’re going to work as a society to figure out just how to deal with situations like this, I’d say this is more like the James Gunn situation where an

If he admits to pointing his gun in the “general direction” of the teens, shouldn’t he be fired immediatley? That’s a genuine safety risk for anyone in that “general area.”

It’s also telling that Ivanka is more touched by the idea of a CEO sacrificing his car than she is by the fact that this dude WALKED 20 MILES ON HIS FIRST DAY OF WORK!

I’ve heard things change when you have children.

He’s rich, he’s kind of a loudmouth and he builds rockets. That’s it.

We don’t require anyone to sign a statement that they’ll remain in a city for more than four years when registering to vote. Why start now?”