
Same with Bolsonaro - first he had it, then he didn’t... he has it.

Apparently Trump’s test came back negative - but how can you believe what he or his cronies say? Didn’t his doctor say he was a specimen of health after his last physical?

Mr. President a Brazilian contracted coronavirus.’

The game the Republicans are playing is POWER UBER ALLES.

Maya Moore is my inspiration for this week.

Please, please, please let there be a Covid-19 breakout at a MAGA Rally or a Neo-Nazi or fascist gathering

That would be Mike Honcho, who spread his buttcheeks in Playgirl Magazine

I’m interested in the van life movement turning electric. There’s a lot of space under a van for more battery - not to mention roof space for solar panels.

I can use aioli to dip just about any fried food. You can also add a little lemon juice or other ingredients for more versatility.

I can use aioli to dip just about any fried food. You can also add a little lemon juice or other ingredients for

Why can’t some of these fools cancel each other out. Like for example Neo-Nazis getting a hate boner for radical Islamic terrorists.

Even when I buy random things from Amazon or Ebay on a half whim I still use them. This guy was some kind of asshole to not even use most of the cars.

I can imagine this is the kind of woman who somehow involves the N Word in her sex talk too. Heck, it’s probably her main fantasy.

It sounds like Klitschko is doing some good by keeping their kid out of it until all this is sorted.

Zimmerman is how I know there’s no such thing as black vigilantes - because otherwise he would have quietly disappeared without a trace by now.

I like it when a situation goes like it should. Act stupid, get turfed out of your class by your classmates, then kicked out of college.

...with a side order of ‘considering whether to sue the college for emotional harm’.

And you think the Republicans would change their vote based on what you’re saying?

She also modeled for a clothing company ‘White Ties Matter’, a coke dealer ‘White Lines Matter’, and a dating site ‘White Wives Matter’

Worst was when Nissan brought the AWD Godzilla GT-R and Ford and Holden decided advanced technology was cheatery and got it banned

‘MysteryVibe’s founder Soumyadip Rakshit’...

‘MysteryVibe’s founder Soumyadip Rakshit’...