
...then the rest of the dominos fall like a house of cards. Check mate!

Best comment I’ve read all week

Coming to NBC this fall: Johnson & Wong: Excessive Force Squad. They’ll do whatever it takes to crack the case! Bend the rules. Step over the line. Turn their backs. Assault everyday citizens.

This reads like dystopian fiction - absolutely nightmarish

It’s not rocket surgery

I know this is a simplistic statement, but why, why, why does the black community continue living in some of these hellishly racist states. It’d give me an aneurysm to spend my life surrounded by this kind of fuckery.

Corruption is endemic to human organization - politics, big business, unions, local councils, knitting circles, whatever.

We need such rebates here in Australia.
A base model Tesla 3 is $68,000 without any options or on-road costs.
And the Performance version is $94,000 base price.

What I don’t get about racists is how or why they think people of different ethnicities have some say in what color they were born. They hate other races as if those folk chose to be what they are.

I don’t understand - why did all those judges recuse themselves?

Come on. There’s lots of angry bogans who care a great deal. You can see them on Youtube compilations of road rage and bad driving.

You know... the good old Circle Game!

I wonder if the money Boeing projected they would save by outsourcing code and other work to cheaper overseas workers is greater than the reputational harm, lawsuits, production halts and general turmoil created by killing several plane loads of people and dragging their feet when it happened.

It looks like climate change and rising water levels could affect it.

This Vernon Unsworth guy proved himself to be an asshole when he started the whole thing. Then he confirmed it by seeking $190,000,000 in damages. Glad his greedy and self-induced lawsuit failed.

Can you imagine the nightly flatulence she would have to deal with, with his diet and obesity?

He did it. He liked it. And he’ll do it again.

I said ‘Brrrr, it’s cold in here, must be some racists in the atmosphere!’

Wouldn’t she prefer to join the police force or Border Patrol where she can shoot her shot instead of just texting

‘You know what I think? I think you should go home to Greenbow, ALABAMA!’
~ Forrest Gump