Hahahahhaha. Kids are the best/worst. I told my friend to look for my mom's mustache WHILE SHE WAS IN THE ROOM. I have no idea how I lived to see the next day.
Hahahahhaha. Kids are the best/worst. I told my friend to look for my mom's mustache WHILE SHE WAS IN THE ROOM. I have no idea how I lived to see the next day.
My mom teaches small children and occasionally uses a Count Von Count puppet (from Sesame Street) when working with math/numbers. She does the voice, the accent, the whole nine yards; the kids love it.
Same.. One of the first issues I ever read was about cutting, and it really helped me out when my middle-school best friend was self-harming. I always felt special being 10-14 and reading it, being like "oooo I'm not even 17 yet, I'M SO COOL"
Man I hope my two cats live to their 20s...little fuzzy assholes light up my life
"A man arrested for allegedly breaking into actress Sandra Bullock's Los Angeles home pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to charges of burglary, stalking and possession of a machine gun."
had to save this gif for future reference
Fart Jokes, Explosions, and Boobz.
I can't believe I even looked at that picture of Kim Kardashian's signature, but it looks like she practiced writing "West" first on the napkin.
crotch fruit
At that point, that's really just natural selection.
Sohn has been cited for animal cruelty and negled and is scheduled to appear in court on July 2, according to Denver Animal Control.
The Veiled Virgin, by Giovanni Strazza (marble)
StrategicDatingCoach may be technically unlicensed, but I'm sure he's been cited many times.
Despite all your rage, they are still just some cats on a page
Out there somewhere is the person missing five-grams of weed who thought they were doing a great thing taking in a stray cat.
Your place (which is not necessarily in the home, although our patriarchal society has a tradition of undervaluing domestic pursuits) or mine?
There's no way you can be in a bad mood with this song. In my case, it's the Bad Girls video that's my favorite. That scene where she's filing her nails sitting on the car is boss.