
Yeah, posts like this makes Giz’s journalists look like they’re out of touch with 50% of  america. It’s just bad.

You do realize that a lot of people actually work for a living and need trucks, right? That Kale salad you are eating was grown by a farmer that needed a truck. That structure you are living in was built by contractors that needed a truck. The internet you are using to post was installed by a person who was driving a

None of this surprises me. My brother and sister-in-law are typical, uneducated, working poor. They have two full-size Chevy trucks that they bought used, on 6yr loans (and overpaid for at a dealership). And because they have shitty credit (of course), even with my Mother co-signing they are paying like 12% interest.

The Chinese goverment, emphasis on goverment here. Should be paying reparations to the rest of the world for this.

Aww, someone can't afford a Tesla 😭

Ah yes, This is the article that broke the bending straw. Jalopnik used to feature cool and quirky cars that definitely didn’t meet emission standards, but not a single person cared about that. Jalopnik is no longer about automobiles, its about making fun of people who are passionate about automobiles and being

I would be nice if they could do something for motorcyclists. These things, as advanced as they may be, never get along well with motorcycle gas tanks.

Great write up. About what you would expect I think from a new car company still getting its feet under it. Tremendous potential moving forward if they address the issues like any of the better ICE manufacturers would be expected to do. I wonder how many years before we think of ICE vehicles like we do of Stanley

Not even on the list.

You clearly don’t understand how corporate finance and controller functions work.

Found the car you’re talking about, going to buy it on my lunch break. Shouldn’t have bragged about it online.

Hot take: Wanting the government to meddle with autonomous driving regulation this early in the game is misguided. Autonomous cars aren’t murdering people left and right. We’ve had something like two or three fatalities out of the millions and millions of miles of autonomous driving?

He uses the term because his factories produce giga watts of electric devices.

Musk created a slight breach of etiquette by skipping the triple-dare and going right for the throat!

“Do you think other automakers should be more “fairly” valued among tech companies and Tesla, or do you think Tesla’s valuation needs to be cut back down to size to match closer to the other automakers?”

The first law of thermodynamics would like to have a word with you.

“in a market that can’t get enough of big and stupid SUVs."

Cool. So instead of transferring solar energy to a propeller at 100% efficiency, we perform hydrolysis and add tons of extra crap to the boat to achieve...a much lower efficiency.

imagine if, say, Toyota also owned every gas station, every dealership, every service center, the insurance company that ensures its vehicles, the oil wells, the refineries, and the shipping services that deliver them. That’s Tesla. It’s vertically integrated beyond the wildest dreams of any existing auto

The problem is everybody knows EVs are going to happen, for various reasons, but Tesla is the only company that’s shown any credible EV strategy to this point. When that changes, things will get interesting, but the other automakers seem mostly content to jam a battery up an SUV’s ass and call it good. I mean, FFS,