
The sources uses are pretty reliable and verifiable elsewhere. Just because a Christian compiled something does not affect its truthfulness.

Seems legit.

Or Ladas.

I’ll bet it’s still easier to change all the belts/chains on this monster than the timing chain on an Audi S4 V8.

I see.  Good day.

Jesus is a fictional character buddy.

Not to nitpick, but “carcass” means the body of a dead animal, not a dead person.

They were building out a charging infrastructure before they killed the EV1

Remind me again, what was the article about?

The fact remains though, that at least currently, it’s very difficult to beat the energy density of gasoline.

I don’t think you understand how fully electric cars work. Electric motors are much more efficient than internal combustion engines. ICE cars waste the vast majority of energy in a gallon of gas on waste heat. There are also huge energy losses due to oil production/transportation/refining, etc. that we don’t see.

Please, are you saying you give to every person that appears to be in need equally? Or, is your generosity tempered by the knowledge that many have made the off ramp their full-time job and have a Mercedes parked out of sight?

Um, no. This is a new thing I’ve never seen before.

or eaten by rats or his dogs.

I’m sorry if I offended you.

Most people were probably giving him a wide berth. Jesus paid special attention to people like that, and we are supposed to as well. Then you have the grifters at the freeway off ramps and wandering in parking lots and gas stations making it very hard to tell if they are just gaming the system. Those people harden

I was using the term ‘snowflake’ as in ‘Generation Snowflake’.

I don’t see how that’s a horrible end. It appears they fell asleep sitting on a bench and never woke up.  I don’t know for sure, but it doesn’t seem they were in distress.  The location is not something I would choose, but the manner of death is near the top of my preferences.

Exactly. What are they supposed to do? Fireman carry the corpse out of there right away? Close the station and subway line until the proper authorities arrive? They cordoned off the area and hid the carcass as best they could until the cadaver movers could take care of the situation. It seems that snowflakes are

The Tesla roadster was over $100K and sold ~2500 copies. The EV1 did not have to be a big seller. The Tesla Master Plan was not rocket science. I’m pretty sure the same strategy would have worked for GM if they wanted to.