While that may be enough internet for you today, my time is juuuuuuust starting.
All day, every day. Team Big FTW.
Can we stop calling women 'females'? It has really negative connotations — if you don't believe me, try searching twitter for 'females' vs 'women.' The way it's used is not positive.
NO NO NO! Gawd, I hated Aidan. Team Big,
pinch even one of those cheeks, and James Bond will be paying you a very special visit. No, not THAT visit. The other one.
Yes; we've written about the product placement before I think. But the important thing here is Team Berger or GTFO.
Sorry? For giving me MY FAVORITE NEW THING TO SAY TO BABIES? We both get bonus points if it's their first word!
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone at that lovely ass."
I'm doing a reread now and totally forgot how young the first book feels. The kids act childish, they don't have the weight of the world on their shoulders yet, the wording is simple, it's very to the point. There is the freaking genius of that series, it just ages with the characters.
"Thousands of women like Misty suffer every day, living in homes without detachable shower heads. Without suitable home appliances to substitute for a proper sex toy, women like Misty are forced to rely on their own hands for sexual release, often resulting in wrist sprains and sore arms. Won't you please help Misty…
And sometimes your hand wears you.
"With your generous gift of just 29 cents a day you can help someone like Misty release endorphins, curl toes, wash away tension, and in some persons, eliminate migraines, mitigate certain lady-specific symptoms, and generally make the world we live in a better place. Call now, operators are standing by"
I desperately want to use that as a doorstop at my house.
Isn't there a foundation or charity that could we could donate a new, unwrapped sex toy to for a deserving recipient?
I now just assume all pregnancy rumors aren't true. I guess it backfires sometimes >_<
ME TOO. And then my mind wandered....and now I'm just sad.
he's office hot LOL - he's way too young for my taste, I like 'em old LOL
Um, hi adorable man and pup, I'd like to apply for the position of "girlfriend," if it's available.
Running makes me feel like I'm dying and I hate being sweaty, so I'm a swimmer, a fat swimmer, which my doctors have always been supportive of. When I swim, I get looks from the men (it's always men) whom I'm lapping, who just cannot believe I'm kicking their asses. Their stupid faces and attempts to beat me are a…