
Light tanks are pretty rare on the modern battlefield. With the exception of the 2s25 Sprut and some cold war left overs like the PT-76 and derivatives or the FV101 Scorpion. the Light Tank role has been usurped by IFV, ATGM vehicles and 8x8 LAV like the Italian B1 Centauro or Stryker MGS.

Light Tank or Airborne Tank

You do have to give him a little credit for hijacking Anthony Wiener’s Press Conference.

That sounds like Bombs Away LeMay. LeMay would have supported post war reconstruction efforts only so he would have something to bomb next time.

It depends on how dead you want your enemy

google Gestapo and you’ll get the gist.

HOAs, the Nazis from around the corner. A HOA was a deal breaker when I was house hunting.

Hopefully, it melts faster than snow mountain did in 2015

Why isn’t Matthew McConaughey driving a Lincoln?

A lot of times down here, in those situations of no license, registration or insurance. You can add no green card to the list of reasons for drivers to want to avoid the police.

Can’t go wrong with a few hours of Richard Pryor.

I’ve never tried it either, mostly because I hate dealing with the traffic in that area.

I live in Fort Worth and I agree.

yes, because the President has an (R) after his name.

Yeah, I drove by the one off of 20 and Cooper, going to Work and UTA and that drive thru was packed any time after opening.

Braums is only available with in 300 iirc miles of their dairy farms in Oklahoma, so they don’t get much further south than DFW.

Shitty flight

Wuss, I stood on the bumper and pissed my engine fire out.

I don’t know about Clarkson looks “texas” at least not my part, but James May looks just like the local DFW NBC sportscaster form the 90s. His name was Scott Murray

James May looks just like the local DFW NBC 5 evening news anchor from the 90s.