
The man’s campaign website has only 3 things on it. Buy his merch, work for his campaign or give him money.

“And what’s your job?”

You probably don’t realize that people like Tomi Lahren and Sean Hannity get paid for their hot takes and here you are giving yours out for free, all willy nilly.

If I need to be versed in the correct understanding of cis-normative gender and race intersectionality before my comments on modern gender and race relations are taken seriously, then it’s not too much to ask those who support gun control to at least have even a *basic* understanding of what they’re prattling on about.

They had reasonable suspicion. They witnessed the driver leaving a house occupied by the suspect. The driver matched the description of the suspect. They pulled them over, initially thinking they were a suspect.

Don’t run from the cops in high speed chases if you have six children you don’t want to leave behind.

Idiot runs from cops, crashes car, kills him and his wife.

Illegal use of the hands.

Dom doesn’t follow the laws of physics. He never went to law school.

Pilot - “Good luck.”

False. In Texas, to attain a driver’s license, you must first graduate out of diapers, successfully smoke a brisket and take down a feral hog. Then you may get behind the wheel. Usually you can get those milestones done by 4 years of age. It took me until 5. I messed up my brisket.

Will they re-injure Newgarden for the second half of the race?

Every single man knows that initiating the conversation is half the battle when trying to flirt with a woman. Having a monster truck during a flood to rescue people with just made it a whole lot easier for him.

Yeah, talk about a swing of emotions.

I would have thought Colonel Sanders would be a breast man.