A lot of Bridges, tunnels and mountain passes in Europe were designed with built in cavities for demolition charges since rivers and mountain ridges made excellent natural defense lines against their pesky neighbors
A lot of Bridges, tunnels and mountain passes in Europe were designed with built in cavities for demolition charges since rivers and mountain ridges made excellent natural defense lines against their pesky neighbors
On large ships, a non “self destruct” equivalent would be scuttling. Either by opening opening seacock (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seacock) valves or by using explosives to blow holes in the hull. On warships, this would be done to prevent capture by the enemy. See the German High Seas fleet while they were…
I once stood on my jeep’s bumper and pissed out the last little bit of an engine fire
The marines conducted more high profile landings, Guadalcanal, tarawa, Iwo etc.
The man’s campaign website has only 3 things on it. Buy his merch, work for his campaign or give him money.
According to the SCP, he just wants you to leave him alone.
Or throwing a pizza on the roof of that house from Breaking Bad.
A Texan would tell you that some of the best BBQ usually comes from some hole in the wall place in the middle of nowhere.
Not quite tried to do, more of a had to do, one morning on the way to work my 97 Jeep Wrangler developed a small engine fire. While I was able to get over to the shoulder of the interstate, and able to put out most of the fire with an old bottle of water and my breakfast chocolate Milk. A small section of grease…
This same thing happened over 20 years ago in my home town.
Mexican food and Tex Mex are distinctly different. Tex Mex uses ingredients that were not common in traditional Mexican recipes like beef, cheddar cheese, wheat flower, black beans and cumin. Chili con Carne, Burritos, Nachos and Beef Fajitas are concoctions of Tex Mex and not from Mexico. Also Texas style Tex Mex…
Not just dangerous to your own aircraft.
Texas Summers last from May to Mid October
It’s clearly the ocean. We already know what to expect from space, unspeakable horrors that want to kill, eat, or implant their offspring down our various orifices. But they are across an endlessly vast gulf of interstellar space.
You chose that car to ask if Trump was high? When clearly whoever designed that car, approved that car, ok’ed production or bought that car were quite clearly stoned out of their mind?
probably gave the other people on the road quite the case of the Willys.
Probably went commando while doing it.