
You do realize that is a 7 year old comment.

right, he was diagramming a pair of luft-berries and the racetrack pattern, he did leave it incomplete though.

The Genie is out of the bottle, you won’t be able to put it back in.

It wasn’t an accident, it is an air combat maneuver called the “Dick Move”. It appeared in the 1st written rules for Air Combat the “Dicta Boelcke” .

The Papal Racer

I remember from one of those cop video shows a segment of police tearing around the country roads looking for a stolen horse, and finding a drunk naked person riding a horse. Who then leads them on a chase, after finally stopping the naked bandit the officers discover that this isn’t the horse they were looking for,

I don’t know about every local, but my brother had gotten in to a confrontation with multiple people and pulled his knife to make his escape, and was later cold cocked with a beer bottle. When interviewed by the police, he was told that since he pulled a knife(escalation) on the group, he would automatically be

Mine had us drive him to his house and then wait in the car for 20 minutes while he ate pie.

I would have to say being surrounded by fire.

I’m more interested in the results of a survey asking drivers how comfortable begin on the road with people who were high in the last 2 hours.

I hated that highway when I was in Toronto on business. From my hotel off Highway 7 in Vaughan down the 400 to the 401 to the Bombardier Aerospace Plant off Keele st. 17km/10 mi 30minute drive after a 12 hour day. Really fun.

Could it also be adapted to slap bicyclists as you pass? Asking for a friend.

Coming soon to the Riyadh Expressway...

These might be all 90 Democratic voters in all of Burnet.

While, I may agree with you on the principles of maintaining Law and Order. But in these scenarios, I think a line must be drawn between crimes of necessity and opportunity. Food & Water in a disaster OK, 4K TVs? Not OK.

Thank you, we may not have the brightest bulbs here, but we aren’t Florida stupid

Shit, I drive nearly a hundred miles a day going to and coming from work in DFW.

While his employer was part of NGC, my dad worked on the Super Tomcat upgrade program.