
Careful now. some folks around here don’t appreciate us Texans.

Sounds about right for the time I had to drive from the Bombardier Plant at the Downsview Airport to my Hotel off the 400 in Vaughan. 17km(11 miles) in 45 minutes around 6pm.

It wasn’t really a fix, but does standing on a Jeep Bumper and urinating on the Engine to put out a fire during morning Rush Hour traffic count as Desperate?

I work for the company that was to build that missile.

Why is there a Space Shuttle in the title picture?

Memphis, Tenn. — If a woman is driving a car, a man must be in front of that car, waving a red flag, so as to alert all motorists that a woman is driving.

A nice little hamster cage?

Has a slight Hammerhead Eagle i-Thrust vibe to it. needs a Pope’s head box on top.

Darn Graboids. Shouldn’t have left the radio on.

I can’t find the story anymore, but that is what I remember when I read it.

Or move in next to a gun range and then demand it be shut down. I read an article about a woman who was trying to get a range shut down and was arrested after calling the police to say bullets where hitting her roof. turned out, she had gone to walmart and bought a box of ammo and just threw them on the roof before

Good old Gun Jesus.

It’s in the garment district, someone should be making a killing in subway ponchos.

There was Russian Collusion in the Collision.

Most of their experience leadership was removed and what remained was largely inept but politically reliable. The Red Army also went with a plan to copy the Successful German Blitzkrieg strategy in a terrain that was wholly unsuited for that strategy. ie remote forested regions with little to no road network. And they

And this war was shortly after Stalin’s Great Purge of most of the Red Army’s Senior Leadership and over 30,000 officers of all ranks.

Finnish Mosin-Nagants are supposed to be the Cream of the Mosin Crop.

and without any optics.

Now playing

or you could use the Patented Abu Hajaar Combat Roll
