*LePetomaine Thruway*? Now what’ll that asshole think of next?
*LePetomaine Thruway*? Now what’ll that asshole think of next?
Removing Blazing Saddles?? That is a crime against Humanity! Someone haul that netflix employee to the Hague.
Yeah, about 1.3 seconds of actual examination would have allowed the author to avoid that stupid statement. But it isn’t the 1st time a tripod has been missing identified as a weapon. In 2015 an office building in Pennsylvania was locked down as someone thought a photographer’stripod was a minigun.
or set it up like bumper cars and have electrified chicken wire overhead.
I feel like painful burns would result from trying to get it out of the engine bay.
and it’s a rotary 20mm, Only MBTs that I can think of that had a 20mm coax was the AMX-30 and early marks of the Centurion. And I think they found the autocannon wasn’t all that useful and replaced it with a machine gun. 50 cal for AMX and a Besa for the Centurion.
Of Course, Komrade Pilot has finished Breakfast Vodka, and started lunch Vodka
Nothing says fantasy like a flying submarine with sails.
Probably bigger than the Bolivian market.
I already tell him that nearly daily.
Well they were union.
I know.
Well the guy was also a bit of a asshole.
Well this isn’t my story, but my brother’s. Who was he getting revenge on?
I put the end of the roll into the bowl, then I straddle the TP and flush. The water pulls the paper off the roll and flosses my ass.
The US has the right to protect its borders. It isn’t that difficult of a concept. But yet too many of our nation’s left can’t seem to grasp it.
According to Reuters, you are going to have to make a correction to your article. Because surprise, surprise CNN is wrong. Yemen has not suspended US Operations.