
Regardless of how you feel about Trump, since he was elected, a leaked ATF white paper revealed that they are probably going to lift the Obama ban on the re import of the 87,000 Garand Rifles and 600,000 M1 Carbines from Korea.

It would be perfect, if this turned out to be a PsyOps unit in Navy Special Warfare Command.

I’m sure what remains of our irradiated ash will be glad that the party out of power was able to filibuster the declaration of war for money for a pet project while the enemy’s missiles were inbound.

Everyone knows the Soviet T-54/55 tanks were incapable of crossing trenches of at least 1" in width.

Nope, out of frame there is a nest of baby C-17s, the mama C5 is regurgitating today’s catch.

Plenty of other cruisers at the bottom in that part of the world.

Yeah, it is easy to confuse the ARVN Helos for American Aircraft in B&W photos. They used the same Roundel as the US Military just in a different color scheme.

When it comes to the millennial and their life style, it isn’t a question of is General Patton spinning in his grave, but at what rpm is he spinning at?

My dad told me a story from his high school days, A local hospital was conducting a mass casualty drill and they needed volunteers to be distraught family members. So he and a few friends drove his karmann ghia into the ER (note: i do mean that he drove into the er waiting room) and then scattered. Running around the

As you can see it has a danish flag on it. It isn’t a bandage, its his Danish Kamikaze bandana or Hachimaki.

no, an actual bridge. this is a graphic they actually used.

or claimed that there was a bridge connecting Gaza and the west bank.

Some say he never responds to orders.

I had an idea for a charity after hearing about the celeb cameos as stormtroopers.

Sorry, my knowledge of scooters is somewhat limited. The motorcycle cops down here ride actual motorcycles.

I see your smart car and raise you the nypd Vespa

there was a military version. I had that one.

I had that, I still have hundreds of the micro machine military toys. Collected those from the early nineties to when they stopped making them. Going to give them to my kids some day.

At the very least, go and read the reviews for the horse mask.

At the very least, go and read the reviews for the horse mask.