
I’m ok with it as long as he has nothing to do with anakin and is repeatedly shot by stormtroopers. no scratch that, repeatedly shot by everyone. Like he just pops out in the middle of a big battle scene and everyone stop to shot him.

Especially considering the NYPD’s atrocious accuracy.

I had the same thing that happened to this Camaro, happen to me in a jeep wrangler. In my case it was a small fire that I was able to put out before it did much damage. But I learned that a fire extinguisher would have been quicker than standing on the bumper urinating on the engine.

Navy just can’t let Air Force have a headline.


My brother was a Alex Jones listener, I kept threatening to buy him that shirt if he didn’t shut up about conspiracy theories.

It even has a name, “Little Emperor Syndrome”

Only Honorable solution for the child

I think that we need to look at both candidates.

The Sleep tank sounds better than test subject for the teleportation experiments

Anyone can fly with 1 woman. my great uncle did it with 24 flappers in 1922.

I learned on a K-5 Blazer driving on farm roads.

I always saw the Coexist sticker and thought it will never happen because islam has to go 1st.

For the enlisted that true, but I’m sure that at least some of the officers made it thru 3rd grade. Or at least that is as far as they got before they reached enlistment age.

And the British also used a mauser action rifle in WW1. The P.13 Enfield was supposed to replace the SMLE used a modified Mauser action but war were declared and the SMLE got to soldier on into history.

You should check out CandRsenal’s youtube channel

Words of wisdom from Retired Marine General James Mattis”

I spent 2 years ruining my GPA at Tarleton State. And I can assure you that Stephenville definitely still the home of cowboys.

Because Space is the 2nd most dangerous place to travel to.
