
It makes me think of the launch of Dr. Evil’s rocket in Austin Powers.

More phallic shaped.

Jerry Miculek is a multiple world record holding and national and world champion professional shooter.

This thing is 1 Commander Shepard away from being the Mako.

We are very progressive when it comes to bitching about the government

Another Secret Service embarrassment when a person jumps the fence, enters the white house and then escapes with the Presidential Box Set.

The Few, The Proud, The Untinii!

To get any closer, you will need to find a welshman. Since no one else on the planet can understand the welsh language.

“How hard could it be?”

You actually don’t want a direct hit with depth charges. you want them to go off close to the sub but below the keel. so the pressure wave pushes the sub up and then the water rushing back in to the void caused by the explosion to pull the sub down again and break the back of the sub or ship with a torpedo.

The military would use this to prevent swimmers from getting close to a ship at anchor or a floating platform in a war zone. the guys assigned to patrol the deck and watch for attackers would be given a bag of concussion grenades (big blast, little shrapnel) and told to drop them over the side as they made their

Aw, just Yoda. I was hoping it was Billy Dee coming back as Lando. It would have taken him no time to get back into character, he hasn’t broken character for 30+ years!

So, how many migrants did they pick up in Calais?

I just realized why it looks so familiar. it’s the BMP5 from Iron Eagle 2.

It looks like the Russians put a turret on a M113.

still quieter than a TU-95.

These are usually part of a long distance navigation exercise. Take off from the other side of the country and arrive right where they are suppose to when they are supposed too. It doesn’t matter if it is Sturgis or Baghdad.

I liked on the approach to the TCU Horn Frog stadium in Fort Worth. They usually get a rumbling B52 for the fly over, but the best one that I ever saw was a B-1 bomber with a F-22 on each wingtip.

better make it a kukri. A combat proven machete.

Thank god it’s boulder as in big rock. Not as in some sort of Roland Emmerich level wave that is hurling Boulder Colorado at things. I can’t think of a worse fate.