
Its called a Chakram, and the Indians have been making them for centuries.

And if they go really old school were the best source of ammonia was the urine of a bishop. There can’t be too many priests left, Father Gabriel must be due for a promotion to Pope or at least a cardinal.

This is why I live in Fort Worth. Where the only spray I have to worry about is pepper spray from disgruntled cops.

I was thinking “Captain America: Civil War: Everybody’s got a stick”

3 flying Aircraft Carriers destroyed and it only cost 2.8 Billion. That is less than it cost to build 1 non-flying aircraft carrier.

I don’t know, there is probably an infant somewhere in Westeros that is happily shitting on himself.

I remember seeing those fulcrums at the fort worth Alliance air show in 92 or 93.

I was just thinking the same thing.

There, there. I don’t like the idea of losing a 777 either.

But bullets stopping in the barrel do happen. The Squib load is rare but incredibly dangerous, since the shooter is likely to not realize that it has happened and can try to fire another round and at the minimum cause the barrel to bulge. And at the worst suffer a catastrophic failure of the weapon. And then you are

Can we hire a Malaysia Air Boeing 777 for the move and just hope for the best?

Your right. I thought that the stores on the corsairs were drop tanks but now I realize that they look like CBUs

I think since the A6 had superior navigation systems, it is acting as a navigator for the corsairs. With all of the drop tanks on the pylons it looks like a long flight.

When I was an intern at vought. I was tasked with clearing out 30 or so filing cabinets and I found anoriginal hand drawn cut away drawing of the A -7D/E from 1967 iirc and I took it home and had it framed.

I work for what used to be LTV. I had an old timer tell be about this prank one of the security guards would play on the janitorial staff. he would hid a radio in the intake of one of the A-7s on the line and hide on the mezzanine, where he would wait for one of the Janitors to walk by and then start talking to him

I’ve seen pictures of some guys in a different shade of green or tan overalls on the flightdeck. but they usually only show up after all of the hard work is done.

Armor protection would be sorely lacking, especially since RPG-7s are as ubiquitous in the Mideast as iPhones are in the US. The German Weasel APC like those shown by lostEngineer are only rated for small arms protection, 50 cal or larger would punch thru them.

I don’t think so the KA-BAR name was adopted in the 1920s so I think that the early 1900's meant 1901-1905. Plus the company only started making knives in 1898.

Damned Ecuadorians. Not letting him leave.

I recall reading a book about Helo pilots in Vietnam, and the story about WO pilots went that the Army required that you had to be an officer to be a pilot and they feared what thousands of newly minted 2nd Lt Pilots would to the natural order of the army so they made them Warrant Officers instead.