
Peak a Boo. I Kill You

I think that is yellow smoke or powder.

you will be required to put this bumper sticker on your car when you get here, State law.

Your opinion of Texas doesn’t matter in the long run. We just won’t include you in the textbooks.

That LAV’S bow gunner seat looks like it might be a bit uncomfortable when that 25mm starts thumping.

Snoke didn’t drop any F bombs, couldn’t be a sam jackson character.

I didn’t know that bones had a stroke.

I’m not anti journey, I’m just anti stairs

he is a jedi master, he knew they were coming.

I wonder why they took the stairs. and didn’t just fly up there and land or hover and let Rey out?

wasn’t that F/X?

I had a friend that was a german reenactor on the East Coast. He told me a story about going to a reenactment within a month or so of 9/11.

I remember when I was a kid back in the Southwest Conference days, being able to ride my bike into Amon G Carter Stadium and ride up to the upper levels and watch the summer practices.

Dedication and a good chiropractor, are what you need to pull this one off.

Biggs Darklighter, the greatest pornstache ever strapped to a X-Wings

And let us remember the greatest ewok TIE pilot lieutenant kettch.

They’ve had that since WW2

The guns-a-go-go project was a complete failure. Only 1 of the 4 aircraft survived Vietnam. One of them even mananged to shot itself down!

I have thought about the walthers pistols, but I have just never been a fan of striker fired pistols. I have 1 firearm with a Striker and that is a VZ58 rifle.

Why am I leading the Charge? Everyone else has cannons!