
Words of wisdom from Retired Marine General James Mattis”

I spent 2 years ruining my GPA at Tarleton State. And I can assure you that Stephenville definitely still the home of cowboys.


We are very progressive when it comes to bitching about the government

The Few, The Proud, The Untinii!

To get any closer, you will need to find a welshman. Since no one else on the planet can understand the welsh language.

“How hard could it be?”

I just realized why it looks so familiar. it’s the BMP5 from Iron Eagle 2.

It looks like the Russians put a turret on a M113.

still quieter than a TU-95.

These are usually part of a long distance navigation exercise. Take off from the other side of the country and arrive right where they are suppose to when they are supposed too. It doesn’t matter if it is Sturgis or Baghdad.

I liked on the approach to the TCU Horn Frog stadium in Fort Worth. They usually get a rumbling B52 for the fly over, but the best one that I ever saw was a B-1 bomber with a F-22 on each wingtip.

This is why I live in Fort Worth. Where the only spray I have to worry about is pepper spray from disgruntled cops.

I remember seeing those fulcrums at the fort worth Alliance air show in 92 or 93.

I was just thinking the same thing.

There, there. I don’t like the idea of losing a 777 either.

Can we hire a Malaysia Air Boeing 777 for the move and just hope for the best?

Your right. I thought that the stores on the corsairs were drop tanks but now I realize that they look like CBUs

I think since the A6 had superior navigation systems, it is acting as a navigator for the corsairs. With all of the drop tanks on the pylons it looks like a long flight.

When I was an intern at vought. I was tasked with clearing out 30 or so filing cabinets and I found anoriginal hand drawn cut away drawing of the A -7D/E from 1967 iirc and I took it home and had it framed.