
Ugh - could of does bug the hell out of me. But what really irks me is that 90s kids (and beyond) apparently think that the (admittedly dated) exclamation “Psych!” (as in psyched you out) is actually spelled “Sike!” (as in no actual word in the English language and means nothing.) As you say, when a word is spread

I use both interchangeably. Growing up in DC which has a confusing accent situation due to the influx of people from everywhere, raised by NY Jew native parents means my speech patterns are hilarious.

Mystery solved! Excellent powers of deduction, internet Ohioans!

Do your kids read? I ask because I find that people make these kinds of mistakes when they hear things said but rarely read them. Like my biggest pet peeve: “could of” for “could’ve.”

A thug AND a gaslighter! “Oh, silly female, imagining things again,, sounds like someone has a touch of the vapors.” Class act, Issa, you crooked goddamn bicycle-seat sniffer.

It’s not a “scandal,” it’s an example of a known bully being a dick yet again, and lying about it when called out for being a dick.

Flicked? I thought it was flipped, have I been wrong this whole time?

The supreme court is 5 to 4 conservative right now. And rumor has it from the conservativelandia that Kennedy (who is sometimes a swing vote) will retire within the next few years. He will be replaced by a right wing extremist. It’s a right wing supreme court for a generation. Are you trying to assuage your

“With Trump winning, people wake up and now that he is showing how horrible he and the GOP are, hopefully they will go the way of the Whigs when all is said and done.”

I’ll just leave these here..

Seriously fuck all of those people who pretended that Hillary was worse than Donald.

The problem is the rest of us have to suffer those consequences too.

I swear to God I am going to lose my shit if Jill Stein sticks her mug out of the ground in 2020.

Can we just skip the impeachment and annul this presidency? I’d say we could just abort it, but we’re in the second trimester, and Paul Ryan is going to make sure we carry it to term, even if it kills us.

Seriously fuck all of those people who pretended that Hillary was worse than Donald. Not only was she competent, she would have been a great president. The people who voted for this orange buffoon all deserve to suffer the consequences of their vote.