
I still can’t watch Signs by myself.

When the kid got locked in that closet (dumb waiter maybe?) on the stairs, I nearly lost my shit.

I heard this many times as a child, from the time I could form long-term memory through high school. Hearing it or reading it now is like being gut-punched by the emotions that pummeled my younger self every time I was told.

Damn, that’s a good one.

Average foot shape. Men’s regular width shoes are wider than women’s regular width shoes when each are a comparable size. Generally, a women’s size 9 will be equivalent to a men’s 7 or 7.5 (so, 1.5 to 2 numbers lower), but the men’s shoe will be wider.

Also, Antiope. Somehow.

Opus Dei can get fucked.

An entire paragraph? Describing nipples?!

Disemvoweling! I miss that one.


Seriously. More than minimal talking turns me off, especially when it verges into the realm of dirty talk (related to sexual abuse when I was a kid). I was up front about it and have repeated it to my husband several times. AND YET. It’s like, no, really, stop talking. You’ve gone over the quota and my body and mind

...this could be the start of a Stephen King story.

Obama also did not drive a motherfucking golf cart on the motherfucking greens.

Thank you!

I live in Utah. This checks out.

Oh shit, really? Is it an accessible paper? As in, you don’t need access to an academic library to read it if you don’t want to pay a large sum. I have bipolar disorder and heart disease runs in my family, so this is definitely of interest to me.

I thought the same. I have bipolar disorder and ADHD. I take medications for each, plus a medication for side effects, plus an allergy medication (thanks, pollen). In total, they’d find five medications in my system, one of which is controlled, yet all legally prescribed to me and taken as directed.

She had that asshole on the ropes. The good ol’ boys had to hit the bell because reasons.

He kept “I don’t recall” ing shit even when questions were asked slowly by another senator.

And they were yes or no questions, too.