
I don’t remember being potty trained, but I’m still know how to crap in a toilet when I need to go.

From a student/personal development standpoint, the earlier that you get your child into a “school” program, regardless of whether it’s a Pre-K or nursery school program, the better off their long-term prospects as academics are. Research shows that many students that start learning early in a structured

Well 8 hours is pretty traditional as a work day. One half of 8 is 4. I mathed so hard on that one.

You have no idea. Childcare is ungodly, depressingly expensive. $1600 is just for before/after-school care. Full-time care in the summer is even more.

Yes. And, uhhhh. Kindergarten? Say what you will about pre-school, but K is very important, and mandatory depending on where you live. Now, if you had gone into a missive about the home-schooling and such I could see where you’re coming from, but pre-k and k are definitely valuable.

Incoming short essay:

Most people have careers... If you work somewhere you can adjust hours substantially you probably can’t afford the school in the first place. I trust my children in the hands of professionals who have studied children and teaching.

In Asia, they believe starting early with good education is important, I’m in my 30s and still remember my preschool and what I did and learned there.

I’m guessing you don’t have kids? I understand there was no bad intent behind your post, but holy moly is it misinformed.

The two biggest points are that most parents CAN’T stay home with their kid. They have to work.

And second, daycare/preschool/kindergarten teach kids all kind of stuff. It’s not somewhere kids just

UGH. You know, I definitely don’t think Dems should put party before country like the Republicans do, but if we could have just a drop, just one freaking iota of the kind of party loyalty they have- like, WAITING UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION TO START SHITTING ON OURSELVES- that’d be great.

Mid-terms? Hell, we have elections next freaking week. Here in VA we have our governor’s race, and right now all the comments on the Democratic nominees’ page are from right wing assholes crowing about how corrupt the Democrats are. This shit could not come at a worse time. I don’t know who I’m more angry with- this

Also, both Brazile and this article keep not mentioning that the JFA (and even the addendum) specifically lay out that the agreement only applies to the general, shouldn’t cause the DNC to abrogate neutrality, and that they expect the same deal to be offered to the other candidates...

If they rewrite the balance of the final season so Claire has Francis killed and assumes power - THAT WOULD ACTUALLY COMPORT WITH THE SOURCE MATERIAL! Let Robin Wright carry the season (she’s been the real standout anyway, but this is the way the original story goes)

My young daughter used to fire up Burnout Paradise and pretend she was dropping her kids off at school, then driving to work. She obeyed all traffic laws. It was infuriating to watch.

I don’t think it’s a horror movie, more suspense/thriller. However, there are two moments in it that always give me the willies.

Until this list, I had no idea that people considered The Sixth Sense to be a scary movie and I’m a big baby.

I object! My mom took me to see the sixth sense in theaters (against my will, for the record), and I left halfway through the movie I was so scared. I wouldn’t walk up behind her when she was at the stove for a solid year. As a certified scary things baby, it is not a good movie for babies.

I’m glad to see The Sixth Sense on this list b/c I think it’s a great film but I’ve had several people tell me it was terrifying and I’m always like, “Whaaaaa? Seriously? But I’m a total chicken and... no.”