PBS makes some good shit, watched a ton of their stuff on on Netflix. It would be a real shame if a bunch of immoral greedy fucks were to defund it.
PBS makes some good shit, watched a ton of their stuff on on Netflix. It would be a real shame if a bunch of immoral greedy fucks were to defund it.
you seem like someone who has been on the internet long enough to have seen the obvious rejoinders to your shit ass argument: it is possible to give a fuck about more than one thing at the same time. Me taking a minute of my day to comment on something like doesn’t stop me from caring about the Baltic states or…
That’s because the Tea Party WAS just a crazy ass faction of the Republicans. No one ever had a “Tea Party” label next to their name on a ballot.
Indeed, it is scary, and it really sucks (to use a highly technical term) that the stupidity of a hundred thousand people in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania is screwing over the entire world.
As others have noted, the surface problem is that Congress, the branch of the government that has the Constitutional power to remove the president from office, is controlled by Republicans.
the key words here are ‘functioning democracy’
we do not have one of those in the US right now
I guess it just completely baffles me to see the Republicans be so treacherous. I really don’t like Merkel’s party, the CDU, but I absolutely believe that they would kick her out of office without a single moment’s hesitation if she did what Trump did. It is simply unfathomable that a large number of CDU members of…
In short, because the Republicans control Congress, and Trump’s insanity is helping them do what they exist to do: line rich people’s pockets by hurting the poorest and most vulnerable.
Because the impeachment process is a political process, not a legal one. It’s conducted by Congress, and both houses of Congress are currently majority-Republican.
Because the people who’s job it is to kick him out of office are the ones working for him. Seriously. The AG has to bring charges—you know, the one who had to recuse himself from the FBI investigation since he was colluding with *45 and the Russians—and the House has to do the impeachment thing—you know, the ones who…
Similarly confused U.S. citizen here..
Can someone please explain to this German why the hell you can’t just kick Trump out of office after all that he has done? Why isn’t he being impeached? Why is there no way to stop a power crazy, mentally ill, basically traitorous president if he so clearly threatens the security of the country he is supposed to…
Well, here are we are. Swollen prostate gland Donald Trump, who ran Hillary Clinton into the ground for using a…
Since the information is “declassified”, that means everyone can file a FOIA request. Refusing to do so shows that he didn’t officially declassify it and intentionally revealed state secrets.
Trump is like the guy in hs who so wants to hang with the cool kids that he sells out his lifelong friends by telling all their secrets and the cool kids just laugh at him.
“furthermore to this story, Republican men have added an addendum to the new health care plan for Ball-Replacement Surgery to regain whatever sense of manhood they’ve lost over the past 100+ days. No word yet if a Spine will be included in bill. More on this as it develops.”
I expect there will be a lot of ‘concerns’ by Republicans who are very ‘troubled’ by this, but in the end they’ll just want to ‘keep an eye on the situation’ (as they slowly back away into the bushes)
Yea, but that was different, that was a Democrat! It’s totally different now. Because Paul Ryan has no actual morals or beliefs, he just plays like he does on TV.
Paul Ryan did last year.
I can’t wait for Paul Ryan, Marcus Rubinstein, et al to come out with their courageous condemnations of this, since I know how concerned they are about mishandling of classified information. /s