
Grew up on the north shore of Lake Superior and for the two months a year when it’s anywhere close to warm enough for swimming, it was fucking glorious. Crystal clear water with perfect firm sand bottom. There’s nothing more disgusting than a gross mushy or weedy lake bottom.

Seems like hating Bioware games is a favorite pass time for some people with how they go on and on about them. Inquisition is a pretty great game with way more good than bad. But oh no an unapologeticly gay character or some nit picky flaws that aren’t that bad, worst game ever! Bioware is dead. Women ruined mass

It’s popular to hate on Bioware games among a large segment of the internet population now especially DA: I even though it was a unanimous RPG of the Year and pretty strong Game of the Year title.

Says the guy who can’t handle someone else’s opinion. Let’s not forget that Inquisition was critically lauded and the general audience reception was positive. But yeah, he was ignorant. Sure.

But you’re forgetting about Zaeed Massani! He had personality and was a badass! If he’s not one of your top human companions, you’re entitled to your opinion, but you’re wrong.

This is what always drags me down in this discussion. Dragon Age 2 was just astonishing in what it tried to do and for the most part amazingly did considering how insanely short the development time was. It’s one game where I think that half a year or a year more development would have just seen such dividends.

Zaeed is a fuckin’ badass and I wish they had given him (and Katsumi) full conversation trees.

You might not have liked his personality, but he actually had a personality. That alone makes him a better character than Kaiden, Jacob, and... umm... that one guy from ME3.

That’s not true at all. Inquisition started development just a few months after DA2. I know this because I wrote about it in a book that’s coming out soon ;)

I honestly think Andromeda was a lot like ME1 it had a lot of new world building to do and to introduce us to all new characters so yeah parts fell flat but it still had those bombastic high points. The final battle where you are driving through the final world as an all out war goes on around you and ships explode

I thought Liam was worse than Kaiden Alenko.

Right, I need to know who the benefactor was and what is going on with the Quarians and others!!!!

Does this mean no DLC?

She says it’s her name because her full name would take too long to say. Her having to explain why she’s insisting on a weird nickname takes longer than if she just introduced herself normally.

I think you have me confused with someone else or perhaps you are not aware of the topic here. Your comment is way out of left field and makes no sense or pertains to anything anyone is talking about.

You keep tossing out these underhanded insults like they have any bearing on this whatsoever and it makes you look

Its short for Pelessaria B’Sayle.

It’s a nickname. Her full name is Pelessaria B’Sayle.

Actually one thing that bothered me about ME:A was female Salarians. They were supposed to be rare, yet one was the secretary for the Initiate Salarian leader. I was pretty sure Salarian females were supposed to be the leaders of the Salarian race based on the lore of previous games, so the roles probably should

That moment when you see Huggybear as the author of an otherwise innocent Mass Effect picture...

I was kinda hoping for a little easter egg of an elderly Grunt or a Matriarch Liara making a cameo in Andromeda. Maybe next time!