I’m a maimed that moved to mass for jobs, and I swear NH closed a lane on the bridge as a “fuck you” to Maine and Massachusetts people a couple of weekends ago. It was only shit down for the weekend and they weren’t actually doing any construction.
I’m a maimed that moved to mass for jobs, and I swear NH closed a lane on the bridge as a “fuck you” to Maine and Massachusetts people a couple of weekends ago. It was only shit down for the weekend and they weren’t actually doing any construction.
“angry retirees and idiots with too much free time on their hands.”
I think that Washington, Oregon and California are the most “progressive” states in the Union (maybe Hawaii too, I don’t know that much about it). Massachusetts is liberal. There is a difference imo. Liberal is old established type of governing while progressive is forward thinking and more willing to be…
It’s maddening. It reminds me of how the nation sighed with admiration when Regan shed a tear, and when in 2008, HRC cried at a campaign event, she was “unstable.” Hell I STILL remember the article Moe posted here whining about how women only vote with their vaginas.
Your argument would be more persuasive if there were good evidence of systemic disadvantages for men running for public office.
The all female congressional delegation balances out the lower representation in the state legislature and male governor, presumably. Still, this becomes (even just by roll-of-the-dice metrics) more likely in a state with only two congressional seats.
Jed would NOT stand for his bullshit.
Until people on all sides of the political spectrum are willing to admit that yes, sexism still exists, and that yes, they probably contribute to it even unconsciously, and yes, sexism is not okay, and that no, equality doesn’t mean that women need to learn to “take shit like men do” nothing will change.
There’s a whole movement....hang on, let me see if I can remember the name...AHA! - it’s the Free State Project. IIRC, it’s a bunch of Libertarians from Massachusetts who plan to move to NH (and sometimes do). I’m not saying my fellow NHites are always all that great, but I will say that this movement has been met…
NH, a state of 1.3 million people, has a House of Representatives with 400 members. It’s the third largest English speaking legislative body in the world, if memory serves. Any idiot can get elected, and many idiots do. Like this guy!
This makes me sad. I’m from NH and had no idea we had these horrors in the capital building.
Having lived both places, I can say that once you get outside Burlington, Vermont can be just as bad as NH. Never forget.
New Hampshire is a DEEPLY weird place. Seriously, only go to NH if you can avoid interacting with anyone. (It’s really pretty!)
There is actually a political movement called the Free State Project to move to NH because our laws are pretty lax. So its changed the political landscape quite a bit since its existence.
New Hampshire is super weird; their state legislature is 400 people strong (by comparison, the US House of Reps has 435), which means that people can be elected while winning tiny numbers of votes (less than 7,500). It’s also a part-time legislature that doesn’t pay anything, which means that a disturbingly high…
Oh man, I seriously hope someone robs that dude’s house and police officer is like “hey, you should be grateful someone thinks your stuff is nice enough to steal. Let’s leave it at that sweetcheeks.”
More like cull the herd. There are a sh-ton of reps in the State House.
Uggghhh this makes me want to rage stroke. I can’t believe there’s no procedure for the state legislature to force him to resign.
“Every woman wants to be attractive enough to be raped. It’s like the pinnacle of male desire, when he can’t stop no matter what.”