
If the person behind you is using the tray to say, work on their laptop, then yeah, it kind of sucks and I will ask you to return your seat to its upright position. When you recline it puts the tray back so far that my laptop is practically touching my stomach and I am an average sized person. You can probably sleep

I am 5'10" and have a 35 inch inseam, so no Shaq over here, but trust me when I tell you that it VERY MUCH effects me when you jam your seat back into my knees. I literally never do it (even on overnight flights) because in my opinion it makes you into an automatic asshole.

Yeah, I think more people just need to be even the slightest bit considerate and realize that it’s a give and take. I’m not tall at all (5'1") but I have RA and sometimes, especially on flights longer than 3-4 hours, I need to be able to stretch a bit, especially since my knee and ankle joints are most affected. But

Trump would recline. Think about it.

Yeah the only times I’ve reclined is on international flights. And only after (or before) meal service. Because those are special assholes who recline during meal service.

Definitely par for their pilots. Many years ago, I happened to be flying home to Houston on Southwest on the night that the Astros qualified for their first (and only) World Series. Our pilot announced the win, and then celebrated by buying the whole plane a round of drinks.

I enjoy reclining my seat because it pisses off Hamilton Nolan.

It’s not just imposing on the knees, it compresses the available space on the tray table. I won’t get into name-calling with you and your boyfriend but I suspect I wouldn’t much care for you if we met.

I used to feel this way (I’m 5'6, that couple of inches doesn’t infringe on my leg space much at all). Then I met my current boyfriend. He’s 6'6, and partly as a result of his height, he has bad knees. If you recline, it’s actually painful after a while for him, not to mention generally uncomfortable. And yes, we are

Recline away. That bump you feel in the middle of your back? That’s my knees. No, I don’t plan on moving them. Enjoy.

He looks like Hank Hill’s dad.

The only time there’s any wood around Pence is when he’s signing laws outlawing the rights of LGBT or banning abortion.

There’s no chance that wasn’t on purpose. Pro-level shade.

I’m waiting for Jack Dorsey to pull the trigger, waiting like a lion waits for an elderly and/or ailing wildebeest.

...short-rib burger blend molded into a sad little meat thing, sitting in the center of a massive, rapidly staling brioche bun, hiding its shame under a slice of melted orange cheese...

Can you imagine if Trump ever gets banned from Twitter?

...Wasn’t Trump just saying that the Time Person of the Year wasn’t a real honor because it was called “person” instead of “man”? Or do I just have a severe case of political whiplash?