
I will never understand why aggrieved white people full of privilege have to make up non-stories in order to play the oppression olympics. Not hearing “Merry Christmas” everywhere you do is not equal to any given day of microagressions for most POC.

I sent out ‘Season’s Greetings’ cards just to piss off my conservative aunties.

Ah you teach so that gives you s certain perspective. Now my turn! Anecdotal, I worked retail for years, mid and high end retail. Mgmt never told us what to say either way. I usually said happy holidays but if the customer said something first I would mirror my response to match theirs. Every year, without fail, I

No guys...he’s the Mayor and Ivanka is Faith and Paul Ryan is Principal Snyder and we have no Buffy because Buffy is fucking tired of being called corrupt and a war hawk for wanting to help the civilians stuck in Aleppo

Keep Saturn in Saturnalia!

Me during the inauguration:

Someone told me that they found it really offensive, Merry Xmas, and I said I didn’t know why, because the X is a Chi, which is the first letter of Christ in Greek so not only is it a suuuuper old abbreviation, it’s not even irreligious. (Yes, I get that people use it now to somehow... use an old religious

Just remind your father that Christmas isn’t a holiday celebrating the birth of Christ, it was appropriated from Western European Paganism as a way to indoctrinate them toward Christianity. Just start saying “Happy Winter Solistice”.

I’m just going to give it my all and wish everyone, including the Cheeto, happy hannukah.

Right— all I see are “you guys don’t seem to get it, HE WON!” Like that’s the end of the fucking story.

That’s the classical Republican wet dream. But not for the dumbfuck rednecks who voted for “draining the swamp,” and voted for him because “Hillary is too close to big business” and what not.

we just lost the cold war

So, you’re saying that he’s really Thulsa Doom?

They are lining up to watch the government be dismantled from within. None of those pesky environmental regulations that stop us from getting rich on oil and coal. And by being rich, they’ll be able to afford a black market lung when the current one gives out because of the crap in the air.  

So when he turns into a giant snake during his inauguration, I hope his approval ratings will drop to 0. But now that I think about it, there’s a chance republicans will think the snake is a giant penis (aka sign of strength) and his approval ratings might reach 100%. Could go either way.

They can’t seem to grasp that we just lost the cold war because they probably think the cold war involved fighting in Antarctica for a reality show on TLC.

The Republicans have basically tuned out at this point.

Is it good news or bad news that the 86% of people who approve of his transition so far have no idea what the fuck is happening in his transition so far?