
Not buying it. He actively disparaged planned parenthood in a time when republicans are trying to shut it down. It’s not a distraction at all. There is a very real chance that women will lose their right to bodily autonomy and he can’t even fucking stand up for it? Fuck him. He needs to think before he throws his

But I’m saying, literally the same thing. Pro-choice isn’t pro-abortio. And as someone who was heavily encouraged to abort I see the distinction.

Plus he did it a matter of months after a lunatic walked into a PP clinic and shot the place up. Thanks for nothing, Bernie.

They don’t call ‘em “brogressives” for nothing. Bernie let the fact that he was salty over Planned Parenthood’s endorsement of Clinton color everything he said about abortion from there on out. It was really fucking gross and illustrated how little he cared about women’s issues. I lost a lot of respect for him over

Last night at this town hall on MSNBC, Bernie said that people who were sick of “political correctness” were people who were afraid to talk negatively about trade. FUCKING TRADE! Everything is about the economy with him and nothing else matters! Chris Hayes was skeptical, so he polled the audience, and ever single

The latest rallying cry from the far-far-left. Sorry, its not all fake news. Bernie said it. Clinton wasn’t a mass murderer. The Russians threw the election to Trump.

Clinton is the first candidate I can remember, EVER, that sat at a major debate and actually repeatedly said the word abortion and that she was pro it. I cried watching it.

I was not fond of one of my local BernieBro turned Johnson voter in part ‘cause dude is not a parent ‘cause his ex had an abortion, and yet refused to factor access into his voting choices.

It’s so weird how invested men are in this issue. I mean, I get it from the my girlfriend got pregnant and had an abortion (although, still that’s her choice dude). But other women’s uteruses? Why do you even care?

The same people keep using the word ‘dignity’, too— in the same breath that they demand you spread your legs for an involuntary ultrasound & hold a Christian funeral for a used maxi-pad.

I’m sure that man knows what it feels like to carry your rapists baby. Or a horriby disfigured baby who you know won’t live. I’m sure he knows what it feels like to go into labor knowing you are delivering a dead child.

“Sanctity of human life”*

Who support the death penalty and don’t give a shit about the woman OR the woman and child once it’s been pushed out the birth canal.

Just a reminder that some states in the South now have the highest rate of maternal mortality in the developed world!

And who are largely against welfare programs, socialized medicine, and other programs that actually support life.

especially when it only truly refers to the life of the child, as opposed to the woman carrying it - whose decisions have been overruled not only by the people making these laws, but by the very existence of the baby itself.

Death penalty by torture as we saw in Alabama last week.

Who by and large support the death penalty.

“Sanctity of human life” is such a hollow fucking phrase, especially when it comes from anti-choice folks.